VBA错误91 – 从多个工作簿/工作表中提取数据


Sub MACRO2BATAR() Dim lngFirstRow As Long, lngLastRow As Long, cRow As Long, lngNextDestRow As Long, i As Integer Dim shSrc As Worksheet, shDest As Worksheet Dim Wb As Workbook Dim WbName(1 To 5) As String Dim intAppCalc As Integer 'added variable to store original calculation setting Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False intAppCalc = Application.Calculation 'store original calculation setting Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual WbName(1) = "CARREFOUR" WbName(2) = "EDF" WbName(3) = "SOCGEN" WbName(4) = "TOTAL" WbName(5) = "SANOFI" For i = 1 To 5 lngNextDestRow = 2 'changed the workbook references ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = WbName(i) Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet '''Feuille de destination (sheetDestination) Workbooks.Open ("Users:uknowwho:Desktop:ProjetVBA:" & WbName(i) & ".xlsx") For Each shSrc In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'changed ThisWorkbook to ActiveWorkbook With shSrc 'added condition to check if there is data in column "B" If Not .Columns(2).Find(What:="*", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then lngFirstRow = 2 lngLastRow = .Columns(2).Find(What:="*", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Row For cRow = lngFirstRow To lngLastRow If .Cells(cRow, 2) <> .Cells(cRow - 1, 2) Then .Range("B" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("A" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("D" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("B" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("D" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("C" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("E" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("D" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("E" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("E" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("F" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("F" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("F" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("G" & lngNextDestRow) lngNextDestRow = lngNextDestRow + 1 End If Next cRow End If End With Next shSrc Workbooks(WbName(i) & ".xlsx").Close Next i Application.Calculation = intAppCalc 'restore original calculation setting Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False End Sub 

但即时通讯运行时错误91,并突出显示的IngLastRow = .Columns(2) …行。 我不明白,因为它以前工作时,我只在一个工作簿。

编辑:我更新了我运行的代码的最后一个版本。 感谢@BranislavKollár问题不再是错误,但事实是数据只在i = 1时被提取。 之后,在工作簿中创build其他工作表,但不再提取数据,并将四个新工作表留空。 这可能与此有关,但我不知道:

 Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet '''Feuille de destination (sheetDestination) 


最后编辑:所以我所需要做的就是移动lngNextDestRow = 2刚开始之后对于每个i = 1到5循环。 它一直在工作,但由于lngNextDestRow平均每个工作簿增加了391个数据,所以数据被压低了。 非常感谢Branislav;)


  1. 假定您想从每个新打开的工作簿中的每个工作表复制值: For Each shSrc In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'changed ThisWorkbook to ActiveWorkbook
  2. 增加Application设置行(加速)
  3. 添加条件来检查列“B”是否为空If Not .Columns(2).Find(...) Is Nothing Then


 Sub MACRO1BATAR() Dim lngFirstRow As Long, lngLastRow As Long, cRow As Long, lngNextDestRow As Long, i As Integer Dim shSrc As Worksheet, shDest As Worksheet Dim Wb As Workbook Dim WbName(1 To 5) As String Dim intAppCalc As Integer 'added variable to store original calculation setting Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False intAppCalc = Application.Calculation 'store original calculation setting Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual WbName(1) = "CARREFOUR" WbName(2) = "EDF" WbName(3) = "SOCGEN" WbName(4) = "TOTAL" WbName(5) = "SANOFI" For i = 1 To 5 lngNextDestRow = 2 'this line needs to be inside the main loop (argh!) 'changed the workbook references ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = WbName(i) Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet '''Feuille de destination (sheetDestination) Workbooks.Open ("Users:uknowwho:Desktop:ProjetVBA:" & WbName(i) & ".xlsx") For Each shSrc In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'changed ThisWorkbook to ActiveWorkbook With shSrc 'added condition to check if there is data in column "B" If Not .Columns(2).Find(What:="*", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False) Is Nothing Then lngFirstRow = 2 lngLastRow = .Columns(2).Find(What:="*", LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False).Row For cRow = lngFirstRow To lngLastRow If .Cells(cRow, 2) <> .Cells(cRow - 1, 2) Then .Range("B" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("A" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("D" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("B" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("D" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("C" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("E" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("D" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("E" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("E" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("F" & cRow).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("F" & lngNextDestRow) .Range("F" & cRow + 1).Copy Destination:=shDest.Range("G" & lngNextDestRow) lngNextDestRow = lngNextDestRow + 1 End If Next cRow End If End With Next shSrc Workbooks(WbName(i) & ".xlsx").Close Next i Application.Calculation = intAppCalc 'restore original calculation setting Application.EnableEvents = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False End Sub 


  1. 你的代码写得很好,我想。 没有什么多余的或不必要的。 如果这是您的第一个macros, 那么做得好,先生!
  2. 这里有一些关于你得到的错误的更多信息Object variable或With block variable not set(Error 91)


For i = 1 To 5下方更改了3行,将ActiveWorkbook更改为ThisWorkbook (与之前的情况不同,在第1点)。 我假设你有一些主工作簿,在这个macros中,以及这个主工作簿,你要复制数据。

可以肯定的是,在Workbooks.Open ("Users:uknowwho:Desktop:ProjetVBA:" & WbName(i) & ".xlsx")应该使用\作为文件夹分隔符?



  1. 尝试添加一个新的variablesDim newWB As Workbook
  2. 更改行,您将目标工作表Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(WbName(i))Set shDest = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(WbName(i))
  3. 将打开工作簿的行更改为Set newWB = Workbooks.Open("Users:uknowwho:Desktop:ProjetVBA:" & WbName(i) & ".xlsx")
  4. 将表单循环的行更改为For Each shSrc In newWB.Worksheets
  5. 将closures新工作簿的行更改为newWB.Close

如果文件正确打开并且新纸张空白,则源表单中的“B”列中没有数据。 我没有看到其他的可能性。 检查Sourse表单。