
完成Newb:为什么我在Sub throughCols中的第一次迭代是每次跳转4行时要移动一行?


 Option Explicit Dim txt As String Dim i As Long Dim strTest As String Dim strArray() As String Dim lCaseOn As Boolean Dim firstRow As Long, startIt As Long Dim thisCell As Range Dim lastRow As Long Dim resetAddress As Range Sub throughCols() ' Dim thisCell As Range ' get start and end of column data ' NB sheet name is hard coded twice Call dataRange startIt = firstRow + 1 For i = 1 To 8 Step 1 ' after testing use startIt To lastRow Step 1 ' by using activeCell I dont have to pass range through to the sub Sheets("test").Range("B" & i).Select MsgBox "this is itteration " & i & " which will output to " & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Address Call arrayManip Call cleanTxt(txt) Next i End Sub Sub arrayManip() ' clear out all data Erase strArray txt = "" 'set default case lCaseOn = False ' string into an array using a " " separator strTest = WorksheetFunction.Proper(ActiveCell.Value) strTest = Replace(strTest, "-", " - ") strTest = Replace(strTest, "'", " ' ") strArray = Split(strTest, " ") ' itterate through array looking to make text formats For i = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray) If strArray(i) = "-" Then lCaseOn = True GoTo NextIteration End If If strArray(i) = "'" Then lCaseOn = True GoTo NextIteration End If If lCaseOn Then strArray(i) = LCase(strArray(i)) lCaseOn = False NextIteration: End If Next End Sub Function cleanTxt(txt) ' loop through the array to build up a text string For i = LBound(strArray) To UBound(strArray) txt = txt & strArray(i) & " " Next i ' remove the space txt = Trim(Replace(txt, " - ", "-")) txt = Trim(Replace(txt, " ' ", "'")) ' MsgBox "active cell is " & activeCell.Address ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select: ActiveCell.Value = txt ' MsgBox "final output would be " & txt & " to " & activeCell.Address ' this is a thumb suck to attempt to reset the active cell to the itteration address that started it ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Select MsgBox "next itteration should start with active cell set as " & ActiveCell.Address End Function Sub dataRange() With Sheets("test").Columns("B") If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) = 0 Then '<--| if no data whatever MsgBox "Sorry: no data" Else With .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) '<--| reference its cells with constant (ie, not derived from formulas) values) firstRow = .Areas(1).Row lastRow = .Areas(.Areas.Count).Cells(.Areas(.Areas.Count).Rows.Count).Row End With ' MsgBox "the first row is " & firstRow ' MsgBox "last row is " & lastRow End If End With End Sub 

你正在模块范围声明你的ivariables,这使得它在模块中的任何地方都是可访问的。 当你调用arrayManip并且值改变的时候它会被修改。

如果你在这个例程中声明了一个本地 indvariables,它将不会发生,因为这个variables只能被它声明的范围访问。试试下面的代码:

 Sub throughCols() ' Dim thisCell As Range Dim ind As Long '<-- DECLARE local variable ' get start and end of column data ' NB sheet name is hard coded twice Call dataRange startIt = firstRow + 1 ' ===== loop on ind and not i (changes when you call arrayManip) ==== For ind = 1 To 8 ' Step 1 <-- actually not needed, that's the default increment value ' after testing use startIt To lastRow Step 1 ' by using activeCell I dont have to pass range through to the sub Sheets("test").Range("B" & ind).Select MsgBox "this is itteration " & ind & " which will output to " & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Address Call arrayManip Call cleanTxt(txt) Next ind End Sub