每个范围VBA Numberformat不同

我想根据第二个单元格的小数位数来改变我的范围的格式。 任何想法? 我使用下面的函数来计算小数(作品)

Function CountDecimalPlaces(aNumber As Double) As Long Dim len1 As Long, len2 As Long len1 = Len(CStr(aNumber)) len2 = Len(CStr(Int(aNumber))) CountDecimalPlaces = len1 - len2 + CLng(len1 <> len2) End Function 


 For b = 1 To lastCol Range(cells(3,b),cells(50,b)).NumberFormat = "0." & CountDecimalPlaces (Cells(2, b)) x 0 Next b 

当然我知道“CountDecimalPlaces(Cells(2,b))x 0”不起作用,但我希望它能让你理解


 Range(cells(3,b),cells(50,b)).NumberFormat = "0." & String(CountDecimalPlaces(Cells(2, b)), "0") 


  • Number :一个angular色必须重复的次数

  • Character :必须重复的angular色


 Function CountDecimalPlaces(aNumber As Double) As Long CountDecimalPlaces = Len(Split(CStr(aNumber), ".")(1)) End Function 

编辑 (基于Excelosaurus的build议):

 Function CountDecimalPlaces(aNumber As Double) As Long If Int(aNumber) = aNumber Then CountDecimalPlaces = 0 Else CountDecimalPlaces = Len(Split(CStr(aNumber), Application.International(xlDecimalSeparator))(1)) End If End Function 


  Function CountDecimalPlaces(aNumber As Double) As String Dim len1 As Long, len2, lenX As Long Dim i As Integer Dim answer As String answer = "0." len1 = Len(CStr(aNumber)) len2 = Len(CStr(Int(aNumber))) lenX = len1 - len2 + CLng(len1 <> len2) If lenX > 0 Then For i = 1 To lenX answer = answer & "0" Next i End If CountDecimalPlaces = answer End Function 


  Range(cells(3,b),cells(50,b)).NumberFormat = CountDecimalPlaces (Cells(2, b))