VBA For循环通过命名的范围错误

我正在尝试使用for -loop从多个文件中获取数据,但不pipe怎样,单个单元格范围或命名范围都不起作用:

 Sub GetTTData() ' Original from: ' http://ccm.net/faq/24666-excel-vba-copy-data-to-another-workbook ' CopyOpenItems Macro ' Copy open items to sheet. ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+O ' Dim wbReport As Workbook 'workbook where the data is to be pasted Dim wbTTData As Workbook 'workbook from where the data is to copied Dim strName As String 'name of the source sheet/ target workbook Dim fileName As String Dim RAWDataSheet As Worksheet Dim SourceDataSheet As Worksheet Dim RAWData As Range Dim SourceData As Range Dim portName As String Dim rCell As Range Dim files As Range 'set to the current active workbook (the source book) Set wbReport = ThisWorkbook 'select Departure Airport portName = Worksheets("Control").Range("Dep_Airport") Set files = Worksheets("Control").Range("All_Files") 'select cell A2 on the target book Set RAWDataSheet = wbReport.Worksheets("RAW TT Data") RAWDataSheet.Activate Set RAWData = RAWDataSheet.Range(Range("A2"), ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) 'clear existing values form target book RAWData.ClearContents For Each rCell In Range("files") 'take source of TT Data from workbook and open file fileName = Worksheets("Control").Range("File_Path") + Worksheets("Control").Range("rCell") Set wbTTData = Workbooks.Open(fileName) 'activate the source book wbTTData.Activate 'clear any thing on clipboard to maximize available memory Application.CutCopyMode = False 'copy the range from source book Set SourceDataSheet = wbTTData.Sheets("Sheet1") 'filter RAW TT Data for Departure Airport Set RAWData = SourceDataSheet.Range(Range("A1"), ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) RAWData.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:=Array(portName), Operator:=xlFilterValues Set SourceData = SourceDataSheet.Range(Range("A2"), ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)) SourceData.Copy 'paste the data on the target book RAWDataSheet.Range("A2").PasteSpecial 'clear any thing on clipboard to maximize available memory Application.CutCopyMode = False 'save the target book wbReport.Save 'close the workbook wbTTData.Close savechanges:=False Next rCell 'activate the source book again wbReport.Activate 'clear memory Set wbReport = Nothing Set wbTTData = Nothing Set SourceDataSheet = Nothing Set SourceData = Nothing End Sub 


 Dim files As Range 


 Set files = Worksheets("Control").Range("All_Files") 


 For Each rCell In Range("files") 


 For Each rCell In files