VBA excel,当有重复时连接单元格


id value 1 A 2 B 3 C 1 D 3 E 1 F 


  id value 1 A, D, F 2 B 3 C, E 

删除重复它将是很好,但不是强制性的。 我在第三列中尝试过这个公式,但是…



我曾尝试使用VBA,但这是我第一次,也变得越来越复杂,而且我也找不到有关excel VBA的体面的文档。 每一个build议表示赞赏。 谢谢


 Function vlookupall(sSearch As String, rRange As Range, _ Optional lLookupCol As Long = 2, Optional sDel As String = ",") As String 'Vlookupall searches in first column of rRange for sSearch and returns 'corresponding values of column lLookupCol if sSearch was found. All these 'lookup values are being concatenated, delimited by sDel and returned in 'one string. If lLookupCol is negative then rRange must not have more than 'one column. 'Reverse("moc.LiborPlus.www") PB 16-Sep-2010 V0.20 Dim i As Long, sTemp As String If lLookupCol > rRange.Columns.Count Or sSearch = "" Or _ (lLookupCol < 0 And rRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then vlookupall = CVErr(xlErrValue) Exit Function End If vlookupall = "" For i = 1 To rRange.Rows.Count If rRange(i, 1).Text = sSearch Then If lLookupCol >= 0 Then vlookupall = vlookupall & sTemp & rRange(i,lLookupCol).Text Else vlookupall = vlookupall & sTemp & rRange(i).Offset(0,lLookupCol).Text End If sTemp = sDel End If Next i End Function 




 Option Explicit Sub groupConcat() Dim dc As Object Dim inputArray As Variant Dim i As Integer Set dc = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") inputArray = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Sheets(4).Range("Q3:R8").Value) '-- assuming you only have two columns - otherwise you need two loops For i = LBound(inputArray, 2) To UBound(inputArray, 2) If Not dc.Exists(inputArray(1, i)) Then dc.Add inputArray(1, i), inputArray(2, i) Else dc.Item(inputArray(1, i)) = dc.Item(inputArray(1, i)) _ & "," & inputArray(2, i) End If Next i '--output into sheet Sheets(4).Range("S3").Resize(UBound(dc.keys) + 1) = _ Application.Transpose(dc.keys) Sheets(4).Range("T3").Resize(UBound(dc.items) + 1) = _ Application.Transpose(dc.items) Set dc = Nothing End Sub 

