

例如,Hi_Thanks_for_your_help Hi_Thank_You等

Const DIR = "x" Const MAX_AGE = 3 ' Unit: Months Dim oFSO Dim aExclude Sub XLS() aExclude = Array("x") Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") deleteFiles oFSO.GetFolder(DIR) Set oFSO = Nothing End Sub '================================= Function isExclude(sPath) Dim s, bAns bAns = False For Each s In aExclude If InStr(1, sPath, s, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then bAns = True Exit For End If Next isExclude = bAns End Function '================================= Function isOldFile(fFile) ' Old file if "MAX_AGE" months before today is greater than the file modification time isOldFile = (DateAdd("m", -MAX_AGE, Date) > fFile.DateLastModified) End Function 


提前致谢! 干杯!

  Dim pathname As String = "" If fileNameCount("file_name") And DateDiff("m", NOW(), FileDateTime(pathname)) > 3 Then ' if '_' is more than 2 count and more than 3 months old, then delete ' if true delete file codes starts here ...... End If Public Function fileNameCount(filename As String) As Boolean fileNameCount = False Dim count As Long Dim temp() As String temp = Split(filename, "_") count = UBound(temp, 1) If (count > 2) Then fileNameCount = True End If End Function 

我已经为你写了一部分代码,fileNameCount方法会返回你真/假计数的数字'_',我使用DateDiff来获取文件的月份的差异。 因此,我正在检测这两个条件,如果两个陈述是真实的情况,那么你应该继续删除我没有写的文件代码。



无论如何,我没有testing代码,所以它可能有一些错误(S)。 希望这将有助于你想要做什么。


 Dim a Dim c As Integer a = Split("File_Name_Here", "_") c = Ubound(a) 

使用这个,你知道如果文件名被分割成3个或更多的子string,文件名中有2个"_" 。 至于文件的年龄, FileDateTime("FilePath")将得到您创builddate或最后修改date。