

如果我指定一个附件/文件的path,我可以添加多个附件,如果我确切地知道它们是什么,但是我不会向前移动 – 将会有不同的计数以及文件名。



Private Sub Command22_Click() Dim mess_body As String Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem) Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem) With MailOutLook .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText .To = "test@test.org" .Subject = "test" .HTMLBody = "test" .Attachments.Add ("H:\test\Adj*.pdf") '.DeleteAfterSubmit = True .Send End With MsgBox "Reports have been sent", vbOKOnly End Sub 

这是你正在尝试? (另)

 Private Sub Command22_Click() Dim mess_body As String, StrFile As String, StrPath As String Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set MailOutLook = appOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem) '~~> Change path here StrPath = "H:\test\" With MailOutLook .BodyFormat = olFormatRichText .To = "test@test.org" .Subject = "test" .HTMLBody = "test" '~~> *.* for all files StrFile = Dir(StrPath & "*.*") Do While Len(StrFile) > 0 .Attachments.Add StrPath & StrFile StrFile = Dir Loop '.DeleteAfterSubmit = True .Send End With MsgBox "Reports have been sent", vbOKOnly End Sub