


Sub Calculationallsheetsv2() 'Calculation all sheets, even when there is only headers Dim xrng As Range, lrw As Long, lrng As Range, i As Long Dim LstCo As Long, ws As Worksheet With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .Calculation = xlCalculationManual End With For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With ws If Not Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) = 0 Then LstCo = .Cells.Find("*", , xlValues, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious, False).Column For i = 1 To LstCo With .Columns(i) .TextToColumns Destination:=.Cells(1, 1), DataType:=xlDelimited, TrailingMinusNumbers:=True End With Next lrw = .Columns("A:Y").Find("*", , xlValues, , xlRows, xlPrevious).row If lrw = 1 Then lrw = 2 Set lrng = .Range("A" & lrw + 2) With .Range("A2:A" & lrw) lrng.Formula = "=COUNTA(" & .Address(0, 0) & ")/ROWS(" & .Address(0, 0) & ")" End With Set xrng = .Range(lrng, .Cells(lrng.row, LstCo)) lrng.AutoFill xrng, Type:=xlFillDefault xrng.Style = "Percent" End If End With Next With Application .ScreenUpdating = True .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.CalculateFull End With End Sub 

以下是完成您所描述的任务的代码。 我发表了一些评论,所以你可以理解发生了什么事情。 如果您有关于此代码的任何其他问题,请发表评论。

注意 。 在下面的代码中使用了一个外部函数,因此您需要将其包含在代码中,否则将无法编译。 这里是这个函数的代码 – 函数来查找给定的工作表中的最后一个非空行 。

 Sub Calculationallsheetsv2() 'Calculation all sheets, even when there is only headers Const SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME As String = "Summary" '----------------------------------------- Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet Dim wksSummary As Excel.Worksheet Dim arrRow As Variant Dim lastRow As Long '----------------------------------------- With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .Calculation = xlCalculationManual End With Set wkb = Excel.ActiveWorkbook 'Create [Summary] worksheet. ----------------------------------------------------- On Error Resume Next Set wksSummary = wkb.Worksheets(SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME) On Error GoTo 0 If wksSummary Is Nothing Then Set wksSummary = wkb.Worksheets.Add wksSummary.Name = SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME End If '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Iterate through all the worksheets in the workbook [wkb]. For Each wks In wkb.Worksheets 'Check the name of currently checked worksheet to exclude [Summary] worksheet 'from this process. If wks.Name <> SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME Then 'Check if there are any non-empty cells in this worksheet. If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wks.Cells) Then 'Find the index number of the last empty row. lastRow = lastNonEmptyRow(wks) 'Copy the content of this row into array. arrRow = wks.Rows(lastRow).EntireRow 'Paste the content of [arrRow] array into the first empty 'row of the [Summary] worksheet. With wksSummary .Rows(lastNonEmptyRow(wksSummary) + 1).EntireRow = arrRow End With End If End If Next wks 'Restore screen updating and automatic calculation With Application .ScreenUpdating = True .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Call .CalculateFull End With End Sub 



  'Create [Summary] worksheet. ----------------------------------------------------- On Error Resume Next Set wksSummary = wkb.Worksheets(SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME) On Error GoTo 0 If wksSummary Is Nothing Then Set wksSummary = wkb.Worksheets.Add wksSummary.Name = SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME End If '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


  'Create [Summary] worksheet. ----------------------------------------------------- Dim wkbSummary As Excel.Workbook Set wkbSummary = Excel.Workbooks.Add Set wksSummary = wkbSummary.Worksheets.Add wksSummary.Name = SUMMARY_SHEET_NAME '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------