
我已经创build了macros,它给了我所有网页上的所有url。 我们只需要提供url,它给我们提供了该网页中的所有链接并将其粘贴到一个列中

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() 'We refer to an active copy of Internet Explorer Dim ie As InternetExplorer 'code to refer to the HTML document returned Dim html As HTMLDocument Dim ElementCol As Object Dim Link As Object Dim erow As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'open Internet Explorer and go to website Set ie = New InternetExplorer ie.Visible = True ie.navigate Cells(1, 1) 'Wait until IE is done loading page Do While ie.READYSTATE <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE Application.StatusBar = "Trying to go to website…" DoEvents Loop Set html = ie.document 'Display text of HTML document returned in a cell 'Range("A1") = html.DocumentElement.innerHTML Set ElementCol = html.getElementsByTagName("a") For Each Link In ElementCol erow = Worksheets("Sheet4").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row Cells(erow, 1).Value = Link Cells(erow, 1).Columns.AutoFit Next 'close down IE, reset status bar & turn on screenupdating 'Set ie = Nothing Application.StatusBar = "" Application.ScreenUpdating = True ie.Quit ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A$2752").removeDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo End Sub 





 i=1 do until trim(Cells(i,1).Value) = vbNullString if instr(Cells(i,1).Value,"New") then Cells(i,2).value="Text found" end if i=i+1 loop 


 Dim a As Variant a = 2 While Cells(a, 1) <> "" And Cells(a + 1, 1) <> "" If InStr(Cells(a, 1), "new") = 0 Then Else Cells(a, 2) = "Text Found" End If a = a + 1 Wend