



Dim fPath As String Dim iSheet As String Dim oSheet As String Dim BMsheet As String Dim country, bas, play As String Dim fileNames As Range Dim file As Range Dim oWorkbook As Excel.Workbook ' outlook workbook Dim MyRange As Range iSheet = "INPUT" oSheet = "Data" BMsheet = "Potential Discovery Phasing" Dim fHandle As New FileSystemObject ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(iSheet).Activate Set fileNames = Range("files") ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(oSheet).Activate Range("start").Activate On Error GoTo NotFound: For Each file In fileNames.Cells If fHandle.FileExists(file.Value) Then Set oWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(file.Value, False, True) 'extract columns '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' oWorkbook.Worksheets(BMsheet).Select If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False Range("A6").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Set MyRange = Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.Offset(32, 7)) MyRange.Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select Selection.Copy ThisWorkbook.Activate ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(oSheet).Select Selection.PasteSpecial xlValues 'While ActiveCell.Value <> "" 'ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = file.Offset(0, -2).Value ActiveCell.Offset(33, 0).Activate 'Wend Application.CutCopyMode = False oWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False ActiveCell.Select file.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Yes" Else file.Offset(0, 1).Value = "No" End If Skip: Next file Exit Sub NotFound: GoTo Skip End Sub 



 dim sheet as worksheet dim wb as workbook set wb = thisworkbook for each sheet in wb.Sheets debug.print; sheet.Name next sheet 


 Private Sub this() For i = 0 To 99 Debug.Print i; 'prints to the same line Next i For i = 0 To 99 Debug.Print ; i prints to next line Next i End Sub