

我需要返回IF公式返回的某个值,基于数字数据,保存在另一个工作表中。 我已经写了类似这样的东西,但是一直到运行IF部分的时候,它给了我错误types不匹配 ,并且问题似乎在由vlookupfind的值中。 我试图宣布它很长,变体等,但没有帮助。 但是,MsgBox正确地从另一个工作表中返回结果。 另一张纸被格式化为数字。 任何想法如何使其工作?


Option Explicit Sub find() Dim lookup As String Dim pkgWidth, pkgLength, pkgHeight, displaySize, AllHeaders, headerweight, itemweight, classify As Range Dim lastrow As Variant Dim cl As Range Dim i As Integer Dim widthh, lengthh, Heightt, display, Weight As Variant 'this part dynamically searches for the columns I need Set AllHeaders = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("1:1") Set pkgWidth = AllHeaders.find("package_width") Set pkgLength = AllHeaders.find("package_length") Set pkgHeight = AllHeaders.find("package_height") Set displaySize = AllHeaders.find("display_size") Set headerweight = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("1:1") Set itemweight = headerweight.find("Item Weight") Set classify = headerweight.find("AT") lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 2 To lastrow lookup = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, 1).Value Set cl = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, classify.Column) 'here the values are being looked up from another sheet widthh = Application.VLookup(lookup, _ Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, pkgWidth.Column, False) lengthh = Application.VLookup(lookup, _ Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, pkgLength.Column, False) Heightt = Application.VLookup(lookup, _ Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, pkgHeight.Column, False) display = Application.VLookup(lookup, _ Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, displaySize.Column, False) Weight = Application.VLookup(lookup, _ Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").CurrentRegion, itemweight.Column, False) If display > 6 Then If Weight < 25 Then cl.Value = 1.01 Else cl.Value = 1.02 End If Else If widthh >= 1970 Or lengthh >= 1970 Or Heightt >= 1970 Then If Weight <= 8 Then cl.Value = 3.01 Else If Weight >= 35 Then cl.Value = 3.02 Else cl.Value = 3.03 End If End If Else If Weight <= 3 Then cl.Value = 5.01 Else If Weight >= 8 Then cl.Value = 5.03 Else cl.Value = 5.02 End If End If End If End If Next i End Sub 

使用Application.VLookup (或其任何变体)时,必须考虑到它可以返回#N/A ,如文档中所述:

如果lookup_value小于table_array第一列中的最小值,则VLOOKUP返回#N / A错误值。

如果例如display获得该值,那么expression式display > 6会给你types不匹配的错误。

所以为了防止这种情况,要么改变你的代码的逻辑,以保证VLookup不会返回VLookup #N/A (如果这是可能的话,我不能说),或者testing这个错误值,像这样:

 If IsError(display) Then ' Treat the error condition... ElseIf display > Then ' ...etc. 
