
我在更新某些模块时遇到问题。 在一些模块中,我可以删除和导入模块,但在其他模块上,会发生什么是模块先导入,然后删除原来的模块,在模块名称末尾添加1 ,并弄乱了代码。

下面是我如何做到这一点:我有以下的Excel文件,我可以跟踪谁需要或已经更新到新的模块版本。 当我更新模块版本时,我只需input正确的用户名列Not Updated 。 一旦用户打开他的MS Project它运行以下代码并将值更改为Updated在这里输入图像说明

然后,我在VBA-MS Project 2016中的Project.Activate上运行以下命令来检查模块是否需要更新。

 Dim xlapp As Object Dim xlbook As Object Dim sHostName As String Dim modulesList_loc As String Dim projectVBA_loc As String Dim modulesVBA_loc As String projectVBA_loc = "\\sharedNetwork\Project\VBA\" modulesVBA_loc = projectVBA_loc & "Modules\" modulesList_loc = projectVBA_loc & "Modules Updates.xlsx" ' Get Host Name / Get Computer Name sHostName = Environ$("username") Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") SetAttr modulesList_loc, vbNormal Set xlbook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(modulesList_loc) Dim rng_modules As Range Dim rng_usernames As Range Dim username As Range Dim atualizado As Range Dim module_name As Range Dim lastcol As Long Dim lastcol_letter As String Dim linha As Integer Dim len1 As Integer Dim len2 As Integer Dim module_name_short As String Dim actualizar As Integer 'LAST USERNAME COLUMN With xlbook.Worksheets(1) 'Last Column lastcol = .Cells(2, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column lastcol_letter = GetColumnLetter(lastcol, xlbook.Worksheets(1)) End With 'Usernames range Set rng_usernames = xlbook.Worksheets(1).Range("E2:" & lastcol_letter & "2") 'Finds the correct username Set username = rng_usernames.Find(sHostName) Set rng_modules = xlbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A3") 'First module Do While rng_modules.Value <> Empty 'Adds module if necessary linha = rng_modules.Row Set atualizado = username.Offset(linha - 2) Set module_name = rng_modules.Offset(, 1) If atualizado.Value = "Not Updated" Then With ThisProject.VBProject len1 = Len(module_name.Value) len2 = len1 - 4 module_name_short = Left(module_name.Value, len2) On Error Resume Next .VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(module_name_short) .VBComponents.import modulesVBA_loc & module_name.Value End With atualizado.Value = "Updated" End If Set rng_modules = rng_modules.Offset(1) Loop xlbook.Close (True) SetAttr modulesList_loc, vbReadOnly 

在调用Remove方法之后添加DoEvents ,以给Remove方法的完成时间。

 'On Error Resume Next .VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(module_name_short) DoEvents .VBComponents.import modulesVBA_loc & module_name.Value 

如果Remove方法失败,可能会发生错误,但On Error Resume Next行隐藏了该错误。 注释On Error...行,看看错误是什么,并处理它,而不是忽略它。