
我有两个函数,根据单元格中的值确定输出。 结果是N列应该具有函数mBlineCTG + findShpc的组合输出。 他们分开工作,我想打电话给他们的主要function,我不必分别运行这两个例程。 我很乐意帮助您,包括背后的逻辑

Option Compare Text Sub Main() M_xx f_xxx Cells(i, 14).Value = M_xx + f_xxx Range("Q1").Value = "xxx_xxxx" End Sub Public Function M_xxx() Dim LastRow As Long LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Dim s_Cxx Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To LastRow Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 10).Value, 1)) Case "s" s_Cxx = "D" Case "0" s_Cxx= "SD" Case "1", "R", "E", "F" Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 13).Value, 2)) Case "13" s_Cxx = "SB" Case Else s_Cxx = "SS" End Select Case "I" s_Cxx = "IS" Case "2", "15" s_Cxx = "BB" Case "3" s_Cxx = "SF" Case Else s_Cxx = "" End Select Next i End Function Public Function f_xxxx() 'declare variables Dim LastRow As Long LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Dim ThisCont 'ThisCont = Range("E2").Value Dim S_xxx2 'loop thru' rows Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To LastRow Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 5).Value, 1)) 'Select Case ThisCont Case "A" S_xxx2 = "big-base-Post-01 0 01 Cee-xx-04" Case "X" S_xxx2 = "small-shelf-Post-01 0 01 Cee-xx-01" Case Else S_xxx2= "big-drawer-Post-01 0 01 Cee-xx-06" End Select 'Cells(i, 14).Value = S_xxx2 Next i End Function 


对每个的第一个调用是多余的,因为它不会任何值返回到主过程。 第二次调用是一个错误,因为iMain的范围内未定义。

 Option Compare Text Sub Main() mBlineCTG '<-- calls the mBlineCTG function but does not return any value findShpc '<-- calls the findShpc function but does not return any value Cells(i, 14).Value = mBlineCTG + findShpc 'This line is an error because "i" _ is undefined, but this would writes the _ sum of two functions to Column N/Row i, _ if "i" is an integer >= 1 Range("N1").Value = "SHP_SRC" '<-- overwrites the value in Range("N1") End Sub 


 Option Compare Text Sub Main() Range("N1").Value = mBlineCTG & findShpc '<-- concatenates mBlineCTG and findShpc in to range("N1") End Sub 



 Option Compare Text Option Explicit Sub Main() Dim FinalRow As Long Dim i As Long FinalRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To FinalRow Range("N2").Cells(i).Value = mBlineCTG(i) & findShpc(i) '<-- concatenates mBlineCTG and findShpc in to range("N1") Next End Sub Public Function mBlineCTG(i As Long) Dim ThisCont Dim shpCt As String Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 13).Value, 1)) Case "D" shpCt = "D" Case "0" shpCt = "V" Case "1", "R", "E", "F" Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 13).Value, 2)) Case "13" shpCt = "B" Case Else shpCt = "S" End Select Case "I" shpCt = "I" Case "2", "15" shpCt = "B" Case "3" shpCt = "F" Case Else shpCt = "" End Select '#### RETURN THE VALUE TO CALLING PROCEDURE: mBlineCTG = shpCt End Function Public Function findShpc(i As Long) Dim SHPcT2 As String Select Case UCase(Left(Cells(i, 5).Value, 1)) 'Select Case ThisCont Case "A" SHPcT2 = "L-BM-PS-01 0 01 CC-LG-01" Case "X" SHPcT2 = "X-BM-PS-01 0 01 CC-XX-01" Case Else SHPcT2 = "S-SH-PS-01 0 01 CC-SM-01" End Select '#### RETURN THE VALUE TO CALLING PROCEDURE: findShpc = SHPcT2 End Function