

此时我有7个对象(A〜G),我创build了6种不同颜色的variables(1〜6)。 这些数字应该不断扩大。 特别是可以定义的对象的数量,我希望能达到几百个。 目的是创build大型仪表盘/可视化,并能够从电子表格中控制它们。

问题是D12〜D18中的公式不会触发颜色变化。 只有手动input的单元格触发它。 我一直在寻找很久,但是我找不到解决办法。 主要问题是目标的数量。 有没有人有任何想法?

示例文件: Test-Objects.xlsm

Private Sub Worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range) If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("D12:D300")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Select Case Target.Address(False, False) Case "D12" shapename = "objectA" Case "D13" shapename = "objectB" Case "D14" shapename = "objectC" Case "D15" shapename = "objectD" Case "D16" shapename = "objectE" Case "D17" shapename = "objectF" Case "D18" shapename = "objectG" End Select With testobjects.Shapes(shapename).Fill.ForeColor Select Case Target Case Is = "1" .RGB = RGB(180, 0, 0) Case Is = "2" .RGB = RGB(220, 0, 0) Case Is = "3" .RGB = RGB(255, 95, 83) Case Is = "4" .RGB = RGB(255, 165, 129) Case Is = "5" .RGB = RGB(0, 97, 240) Case Is = "6" .RGB = RGB(0, 176, 240) End Select End With End Sub 


 Sub whatever() ShapeColor = Abs(Range("F2") = 0) * 10 + Abs(Range("F2") = 40) * 3 With testobjects.Shapes("CustShp").Fill .ForeColor.SchemeColor = ShapeColor .Solid End With End Sub 





  • 切换to Workbook_SheetChange()事件处理程序以放置在ThisWorkbook代码窗格中


  • 有办法识别一个“明智”的细胞




 Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Dim cell As Range If Target.count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Interior.ColorIndex <> 6 Then Exit Sub '<--| exit sub if changed cell is not a "sensible" one With testobjects '<--| reference your "shapes" sheet For Each cell In .Range("D12:D300").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, xlNumbers) '<--| loop through its "no. (select):" cells containing a number resulting out of a formula .Shapes("object" & cell.Offset(, -1)).Fill.ForeColor.RGB = GetRGB(cell.Value) '<--| update current "no (select)" corresponding shape color Next End With End Sub 




  • select案例方法

     Function GetRGB(val As Integer) As Long Select Case val Case 1 GetRGB = RGB(180, 0, 0) Case 2 GetRGB = RGB(220, 0, 0) Case 3 GetRGB = RGB(255, 95, 83) Case 4 GetRGB = RGB(255, 165, 129) Case 5 GetRGB = RGB(0, 97, 240) Case 6 GetRGB = RGB(0, 176, 240) End Select End Function 
  • Choose()函数的方法

     Function GetRGB(val As Integer) As Long GetRGB = Choose(val, RGB(180, 0, 0), RGB(220, 0, 0), RGB(255, 95, 83), RGB(255, 165, 129), RGB(0, 97, 240), RGB(0, 176, 240)) End Function 

    你必须确定val必须在1到函数列出的选项数之间,否则返回一个空值和形状(shapesArr(iShp))。Fill.ForeColor.RGB = GetRGB(.Cells( iShp + 1).Value)`会出错

    如果这种例外是可能的,你可能需要添加一些If或者坚持Select Case方法或者尝试下面的方法

  • Dictionary方法

     Function GetRGB(val As Integer) As Long With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") '<-- use a late binding "on the fly" dictionary instantiation .Add 1, RGB(180, 0, 0) '<--| associate "key" '1' to "Value" 'RGB(180, 0, 0)' .Add 2, RGB(220, 0, 0) '<--| same as above .Add 3, RGB(255, 95, 83) .Add 4, RGB(255, 165, 129) .Add 5, RGB(0, 97, 240) .Add 6, RGB(0, 176, 240) GetRGB = .item(val) '<--| return the value associated with 'val' "key" End With End Function 



由于您已经将Range限制为“D12:D300”,因此您稍后可以使用Select Case Target.Row因为您已经将Range降至了D列。

 Option Explicit Public testobjects As Worksheet Private Sub Worksheet_change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim shapename As String ' setting the testobjects to "Shhet2" >> modify to your sheet with the "objects" Set testobjects = Worksheets("Sheet2") If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("D12:D300")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Select Case Target.Row Case 12 shapename = "objectA" Case 13 shapename = "objectB" Case 14 shapename = "objectC" Case 15 shapename = "objectD" Case 16 shapename = "objectE" Case 17 shapename = "objectF" Case 18 shapename = "objectG" End Select With testobjects.Shapes(shapename).Fill.ForeColor Select Case CLng(Target.Value) Case 1 .RGB = RGB(180, 0, 0) Case 2 .RGB = RGB(220, 0, 0) Case 3 .RGB = RGB(255, 95, 83) Case 4 .RGB = RGB(255, 165, 129) Case 5 .RGB = RGB(0, 97, 240) Case 6 .RGB = RGB(0, 176, 240) End Select End With End Sub