
我使用Visual Studio 2015和VB.net,我有2个文件夹。
1. C:\ phd \不干净2. C:\ phd \ clean

在不洁的文件夹中。 我有各种各样的子文件夹和subsubfolders包含各种文件。 我想把所有不干净的子文件夹和子文件夹中的所有.csv文件,处理它们,清理它们,并输出到C:\干净,但与不清洁中发现相同的子文件夹结构。


Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Imports System.IO Class MainWindow Dim xl As Excel.Application = New Excel.ApplicationClass() Dim wb, wbTraj, wbForce As Excel.Workbook Dim ws, wsData, wsLeg As Excel.Worksheet Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value Dim iCol As Integer Dim iRow As Integer Dim trajEndRow, analogEndRow, analogDataRow, forceLegRowStart, forceLegRowEnd, forceDataRow, lastDataRow As Integer Dim cell, trajDataRangeSrc, trajDataRangeDest, trajLegSrc, trajLegDest, analogDataRange, forceDataRangeSrc, forceDataRangeDest, forceLegSrc, forceLegDest As Excel.Range Dim strName As String Dim blank As String Dim iIndex As Integer Dim strPath As String Dim strFile As String Private Sub button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles button.Click If cleanRadioButton.IsChecked = True Then Dim list As List(Of String) = GetFilesRecursive("C:\phd\unclean") ' Loop through and display each path. For Each path In list clean(path) Next Else inputRadioButton.IsChecked = True ' do something else End If releaseObject(ws) releaseObject(wsData) releaseObject(wsLeg) releaseObject(wb) releaseObject(wbForce) releaseObject(wbTraj) releaseObject(xl) End Sub Public Shared Function GetFilesRecursive(ByVal initial As String) As List(Of String) ' This list stores the results. Dim result As New List(Of String) ' This stack stores the directories to process. Dim stack As New Stack(Of String) ' Add the initial directory stack.Push(initial) ' Continue processing for each stacked directory Do While (stack.Count > 0) ' Get top directory string Dim dir As String = stack.Pop Try ' Add all immediate file paths result.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.csv")) ' Loop through all subdirectories and add them to the stack. Dim directoryName As String For Each directoryName In Directory.GetDirectories(dir) stack.Push(directoryName) Next Catch ex As Exception End Try Loop ' Return the list Return result End Function Private Sub clean(path) strPath = path strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.csv") Do While strFile <> "" wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=strPath & strFile) 'Loop through the sheets. For iIndex = 1 To xl.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count ws = xl.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(iIndex) 'Loop through the columns. For iCol = 1 To ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count 'Check row 10 of this column for the char of * If InStr(ws.Cells(10, iCol).Value, "*") > 0 Then 'We have found a column with the char of * xl.DisplayAlerts = False ws.Columns(iCol).EntireColumn.Delete ws.Columns(iCol).EntireColumn.Delete ws.Columns(iCol).EntireColumn.Delete iCol = iCol - 3 End If Next iCol Next iIndex wb.SaveAs(Filename:="C:\phd\clean\" & wb.Name, FileFormat:=51) wb.Close(SaveChanges:=False) strFile = Dir() Loop MessageBox.Show("The csv files have now been cleaned. Congrats.") End Sub 

但是我不能得到它的工作,我正在迷失自我。 任何人都可以帮助我通过一个结构,find任何.csv文件,清理它,然后输出它在干净的文件夹下的相同的文件结构,并继续search下一个.csv文件?



如果要克隆文件夹结构,单独保存目录名似乎不够。 您还需要知道每个文件夹中的哪些CSV。 为此,我将保存一个List(Of FileInfo) ,它将同时包含CSV文件名和原始文件夹。 收集它们:

 Private myCSVList As List(Of FileInfo) Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button29.Click myCSVList = New List(Of FileInfo) FindCSVs("C:\Temp") ' print some: For n As Int32 = 0 To myCSVList.Count - 1 Step 2 Console.WriteLine(myCSVList(n).FullName) Next End Sub Private Sub FindCSVs(path As String) Dim di As New DirectoryInfo(path) ' add the csvs in THIS folder myCSVList.AddRange(di.EnumerateFiles("*.csv").ToArray) ' look for csvs in sub folders For Each d As DirectoryInfo In di.EnumerateDirectories FindCSVs(d.FullName) Next End Sub 


C:\ TEMP \ capitals.csv
C:\ TEMP \ mycsv.csv
C:\ TEMP \ townsinfo.csv
C:\ TEMP \ A \ AA \ capitals.csv
C:\ TEMP \ A \ AA \ AAA \ AAAA \ capitals.csv
C:\温度\ B \ BB \ capitals.csv

现在你有一个所有CSV的ToDo列表,处理它们,并把它们写回到新的文件夹。 您应该能够使用存储的path上的String.ReplaceC:\phd\unclean更改为C:\phd\clean 。 如果path中的其他位置出现“clean”,我将包含驱动器部分以仅更改第一个外观。


 ... ' add the csvs in this folder myCSVList.AddRange(LoadFiles(di)) Private Function LoadFiles(di As DirectoryInfo) As FileInfo() Dim thisFolder = di.EnumerateFiles("*.csv").ToList ' ...do stuff to remove unqualified ones ' ... Return thisFolder.ToArray End Function