
我制定了一个计算绿蝇种群的计划。 我正在努力的一个任务是出口几个variables的优秀。 我已经算出了绿蝇的math,但我不知道如何把它放到电子表格。 代码如下:

import winsound import time winsound.PlaySound("SystemHand", winsound.SND_ALIAS) #startup #menu print("Greenfly population model") time.sleep(1) one=1 print("1: Set the generation 0 values") time.sleep(1) two=2 print("2: Display the generation 0 values") time.sleep(1) three=3 print("3: Run the model") time.sleep(1) four=4 print("4: Export the data") time.sleep(1) five=5 print("5: Quit") time.sleep(1) #base code while True: #wont shut down till option 5 is entered print("") ans=int(input("Please enter the number of the choice you want ")) if ans == one: while True: generations=float(input("Enter the number of generations you want the model to run for (Must be in 5 and 25 inclusive) ")) if generations < 5 or generations > 25: print("Between 5 and 25 please") else: break while True: adultsur = float(input("Choose adult survival rate between 0 and 1 ")) if adultsur < 0 or adultsur > 1: print ("Between 1 and 0 please") #wont mess up the decimals else: break while True: juvensur=float(input("Choose juvenile survivle rate between 0 and 1 ")) if juvensur < 0 or juvensur > 1: print ("Between 1 and 0 please") else: break while True: sensur=float(input("Choose senile survivle rate between 0 and 1 ")) if sensur < 0 or sensur > 1: print ("Between 1 and 0 please") else: break juv=int(input("Choose the amount of juveniles ")) adu=int(input("Choose the amount of adults ")) #had issue with floats here so left it as int(input()) sen=int(input("Choose the amount of seniles ")) birth=int(input("Enter the birthrate of the adults ")) if ans == two: print("The new generation to model is ",generations) #no issues here time.sleep(1) print("The adult survivul rate is ",adultsur) time.sleep(1) print("The juvenile survivul rate is ",juvensur) time.sleep(1) print("The senile survivul rate is ",sensur) time.sleep(1) print("There are ",juv," juveniles") time.sleep(1) print("There are ",adu," juveniles") time.sleep(1) print("There are ",sen," juveniles") time.sleep(1) print("The birthrate of adults is ",birth) if ans == three: print("Running module.") time.sleep(0.1) print("Running module..") time.sleep(0.1) print("Running module...") time.sleep(0.1) counter = 0 print("GENERATION JUVENILES ADULTS SENILES") while generations > counter: print ("",int(counter)," ", int(juv)," ", int(adu)," ", int(sen)) int(sen) int(adu)#gets rid off the neverending decimals and rounds it up int(juv) sen *= sensur #takes out the old seniles adu *= adultsur #does the math in a much simpler way than basic maths juv *= len juvn = juv juv = adu * birth sen += adu adu += juvn counter= counter+1 #will only repeat how many times the code was set to run if ans == four print ("",int(counter)," ", int(juv)," ", int(adu)," ", int(sen)) int(sen) int(adu) int(juv) sen *= sensur adu *= adultsur juv *= len juvn = juv juv = adu * birth sen += adu adu += juvn counter= counter+1 if ans == five: print("Understandable, have a great day") winsound.PlaySound("SystemExit", winsound.SND_ALIAS) winsound.PlaySound("*", winsound.SND_ALIAS) break 

我可以有一些帮助出口或只教我如何做到这一点。 谢谢。


Python的csv模块实现了可以用来写和读表格数据的类。 要写入文件,您可以使用csv.writer ,也可以使用csv.DictWriter 。

csv.writer返回一个csv.writer对象,负责将数据转换为分隔string。 这里是一个如何使用它的例子:

 import csv data_header = ['id', 'width', 'height'] data = [[0, 10, 5], [1, 2, 3], [2, 50, 40]] with open('test.csv', 'w') as file_writer: writer = csv.writer(file_writer) writer.writerow(data_header) for item in data: writer.writerow(item) 

csv.DictWriter返回一个对象,它像一个普通的作家一样操作,但将字典映射到输出行上。 这里是一个如何使用它的例子:

 import csv data_header = ['id', 'width', 'height'] data = [{'id': 0, 'width': 10, 'height': 5}, {'id': 1, 'width': 2, 'height': 3}, {'id': 2, 'width': 50, 'height': 40}] with open('test.csv', 'w') as file_writer: dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(file_writer, data_header) dict_writer.writeheader() for item in data: dict_writer.writerow(item) 

正如你所看到的, csv.writercsv.DictWriter的区别在于你如何提供数据到接口。 在csv.writer你提供了一个列表中的数据,你负责保持列表中的顺序,所以它会写在正确的列和csv.DictWriter你提供一个字典,其中的键是列名和值是列的数据。