
我已经将工作簿分配给variables。 然后,我正在做一些东西,保存文件并closures工作簿:


For i = 1 To UBound(a_ven_lst1) Set wb_input1 = Application.Workbooks.Add Set ws_input1 = wb_input1.Sheets(1) .Rows(1).Copy ws_input1.Rows(1) .Rows(d_fst_ven_row & ":" & d_lst_ven_row).Copy ws_input1.Rows(2) s_save_path = f_str_file_name(ws_input1.Cells(2, i_ven_col_cnt).Value) s_file_path = s_path & "\" & s_save_path & ".xlsx" a_ven_lst1(i, 2) = s_file_path wb_input1.SaveAs Filename:=s_file_path wb_input1.Close True Set wb_input1 = Nothing Next i 

我是否以适当的方式杀死这个variables? 在破解代码之后,我看到了VBA编辑器中仍然存在的一些对象,但远远超出了这一点。


 With ws_input '... Dim rowToCopy1 As Range, rowToCopy2 As Range Set rowToCopy1 = .Rows(1) '<--| set first row to copy, since it's "constant" against the subsequent loop Set rowToCopy2 = .Rows(d_fst_ven_row & ":" & d_lst_ven_row) '<--| set second row to copy, since it's "constant" against the subsequent loop For i = 1 To UBound(a_ven_lst1) With Application.Workbooks.Add '<--| open a new workbook and reference its instance With .Sheets(1) '<--| reference referenced workbook sheet(1) rowToCopy1.Copy .Rows(1) rowToCopy1.Copy .Rows(2) s_save_path = f_str_file_name(.Cells(2, i_ven_col_cnt).Value) End With s_file_path = s_path & "\" & s_save_path & ".xlsx" a_ven_lst1(i, 2) = s_file_path .SaveAs Filename:=s_file_path .Close True End With '<--| discard the instance of the opened workbok Next i '... End With