
我正在通过编码UI(手动)编写数据驱动testing。 我想从Excel文件(Data.xlsx)中获取数据。 它将从xls表中获取数据并逐个放入GridView。 例如:文件path(控制types:行)将从xls表(C:\Users\XXXXX\Desktop\malware\mal.txt) 。 我正在使用这种方法,但无法做到。 任何人都可以帮忙。

 string strFilePath = "C:\\Eclipse\\Checklist.xls"; string strConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + strFilePath + "; Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;" + "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; OleDbConnection cnCSV = new OleDbConnection(strConnectionString); cnCSV.Open(); OleDbDataAdapter daCSV = new OleDbDataAdapter(); 



如何使用数据源可以在这里find: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee624082.aspx或在这里: https : //stackoverflow.com/questions/24114537/data-driven-testing-使用-Excel的文件-保存-内-该项目




 private Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel; ... excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); 


 private Workbook workbook; .... workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(@"\\C\Data\YourDriver.xlsx"); 


 Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["YourTestCaseWorkSheet"]; 


 Range a2 = worksheet.get_Range("A2"); return a2.Text; 


 /// <summary> /// Quits the excel process /// </summary> public void Quit() { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(this.worksheet); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(this.workbook); this.excel.Quit(); this.excel = null; } 
 //dll using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.CSharp; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.HtmlControls; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.WinControls; using System.Windows.Forms; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension; using System.IO; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Xml; using System.Threading; using System.Data.OleDb; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; using System.ComponentModel; //code for calling the class Playback.Initialize(); ReadExcel myClassObj = new ReadExcel(); myClassObj.excelRead(); //code for reading excelclass public void excelRead() { Excel.Application appExl = new Excel.Application(); Excel.Workbook workbook = null; try { string methodName = ""; Excel.Worksheet NwSheet; Excel.Range ShtRange; //Opening Excel file(myData.xlsx) appExl = new Excel.Application(); workbook = appExl.Workbooks.Open("E:\\inputSheet", Missing.Value, ReadOnly: false); NwSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.get_Item(1); ShtRange = NwSheet.UsedRange; //gives the used cells in sheet int rCnt = 0; int cCnt = 0; for (rCnt = 1; rCnt <= ShtRange.Rows.Count; rCnt++) { for (cCnt = 1; cCnt <= ShtRange.Columns.Count; cCnt++) { if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt].Value2) == "Y") { methodName = NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt - 1].Value2; Type metdType = this.GetType(); MethodInfo mthInfo = metdType.GetMethod(methodName); if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt - 1].Value2) == "fn_AddNum" || Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt - 1].Value2) == "fn_SubNum") { StaticVariable.intParam1 = Convert.ToInt32(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 2].Value2); StaticVariable.intParam2 = Convert.ToInt32(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 3].Value2); object[] mParam1 = new object[] { StaticVariable.intParam1, StaticVariable.intParam2 }; object result = mthInfo.Invoke(this, mParam1); StaticVariable.intOutParam1 = Convert.ToInt32(result); NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 4].Value2 = Convert.ToString(StaticVariable.intOutParam1) != "" ? Convert.ToString(StaticVariable.intOutParam1) : String.Empty; } else { object[] mParam = new object[] { }; mthInfo.Invoke(this, mParam); NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 4].Value2 = StaticVariable.outParam1 != "" ? StaticVariable.outParam1 : String.Empty; NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 5].Value2 = StaticVariable.outParam2 != "" ? StaticVariable.outParam2 : String.Empty; } NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt + 1].Value2 = StaticVariable.resultOut; } else if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt].Value2) == "N") { MessageBox.Show("Result is No"); } else if (Convert.ToString(NwSheet.Cells[rCnt, cCnt].Value2) == "EOF") { MessageBox.Show("End of File"); } } } workbook.Save(); workbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); appExl.Quit(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(ShtRange); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(NwSheet); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(workbook); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(appExl); } catch (Exception) { workbook.Close(true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.CleanupUnusedObjectsInCurrentContext(); } } public void fn_Login() { string path = @"E:\log.txt"; try { BrowserWindow brwin1 = BrowserWindow.Launch("http://www.ndtv.com"); brwin1.Maximized = true; HtmlHyperlink htSubmit = new HtmlHyperlink(brwin1); htSubmit.SearchProperties.Add("InnerText", "Arvind Kejriwal's Appeal Wins Donations for 'Broke' AAP"); htSubmit.DrawHighlight(); StaticVariable.resultOut = true; } catch (UITestControlNotFoundException ex) { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path, true); tw.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); tw.Close(); StaticVariable.resultOut = false; } } public void fn_LogOut() { string path = @"E:\log.txt"; try { BrowserWindow brwin1 = BrowserWindow.Launch("http://www.ndtv.com"); brwin1.Maximized = true; HtmlHyperlink htSubmit = new HtmlHyperlink(brwin1); htSubmit.SearchProperties.Add("InnerText", "He Has 4 Degrees,But Works as a Garbage Collector in Mumbai"); htSubmit.DrawHighlight(); StaticVariable.resultOut = true; } catch (UITestControlNotFoundException ex) { TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path, true); tw.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); tw.Close(); StaticVariable.resultOut = false; } } public void fn_LinkRes() { SqlConnection conRes = new SqlConnection("Data Source=CHDSEZ301257D;Initial Catalog=AGCS;Integrated Security=True"); SqlCommand cmdRes = new SqlCommand(); cmdRes.Connection = conRes; cmdRes.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmdRes.CommandText = "select * from tbl_Links"; SqlDataAdapter daDetails = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdRes); System.Data.DataTable dtDetails = new System.Data.DataTable(); daDetails.Fill(dtDetails); StaticVariable.outParam1 = dtDetails.Rows[0][0].ToString(); StaticVariable.outParam2 = dtDetails.Rows[0][1].ToString(); StaticVariable.resultOut = true; } public int fn_AddNum(int a,int b) { int result = 0; result = a + b; StaticVariable.resultOut = true; return result; } public int fn_SubNum(int a, int b) { int result = 0; result = a - b; StaticVariable.resultOut = true; return result; } //code for static class public static bool resultOut; public static int intParam1; public static int intParam2; public static int intOutParam1; public static int intOutParam2; public static string strParam1; public static string outParam1; public static string outParam2; public static DataTable dtExcel; //excel data tcId FuncName Flag Result InParam1 InParam2 OutParam1 OutParam2 Tc_001 fn_Login Y Tc_002 fn_LogOut N Tc_003 fn_LinkRes N Tc_004 fn_AddNum Y 23 34 Tc_005 fn_Login N Tc_006 fn_LogOut Y Tc_007 fn_LinkRes N Tc_008 fn_SubNum N 34 23 Tc_009 fn_Login N Tc_010 fn_LogOut N Tc_011 fn_LinkRes Y Tc_012 fn_AddNum N 23 34 Tc_013 fn_Login N Tc_014 fn_LogOut N Tc_015 fn_LinkRes N Tc_016 fn_SubNum Y 34 23 Tc_017 fn_Login N Tc_018 fn_LogOut N Tc_019 fn_LinkRes N EOF