

Private Sub TextBox1_Change() txt = TextBox1.Text lt = Len(TextBox1.Text) If lt = 0 Then Exit Sub x = Range("b1", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Value For i = 1 To UBound(x, 1) If InStr(x(i, 2), txt) Then s = s & "~" & x(i, 1) & " >>>>" & x(i, 2) Else End If Next i ListBox1.List = Split(Mid(s, 2), "~") End Sub 



 in column A first second thirdFirst in column B notfirst secondFirst third 


 if txt= first result first notfirst second secondFirst 


 if txt= first result first notfirst second secondFirst thirdFirst third 

好的,所以我希望我能理解你的问题。 这里是代码示例和图片上的示例数据的结果。 HTH。

 Option Explicit Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim txt, values, valuesFiltered, r, c, rowsCount, columnsCount, check txt = "first" If Len(txt) = 0 Then _ Exit Sub ' get all values from last used cell in column 'A' to upperRightCell ' eg "B1', 'C1' etc. Dim lastUsedCellInColumn_A As Range Set lastUsedCellInColumn_A = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp) Dim upperRightCell As Range Set upperRightCell = Range("C1") values = Range(lastUsedCellInColumn_A, upperRightCell).Value rowsCount = UBound(values, 1) columnsCount = UBound(values, 2) If columnsCount <= 1 Then _ Err.Raise 12345, , "At least two columns must be used." For r = 1 To rowsCount For c = 1 To columnsCount If InStr(values(r, c), txt) = 0 Then _ GoTo next_column If c > 1 Then ' columns B, C, D and so on: take value from neighbour cell on the left check = values(r, c) & ">>>>" & values(r, c - 1) Else ' column A: take value from neighbour cell on the right check = values(r, c + 1) & ">>>>" & values(r, c) End If ' do not add duplicate values If IsArray(valuesFiltered) = False Then ReDim valuesFiltered(0) valuesFiltered(0) = check Else If UBound(Filter(valuesFiltered, check)) = -1 Then ReDim Preserve valuesFiltered(UBound(valuesFiltered) + 1) valuesFiltered(UBound(valuesFiltered)) = check End If End If next_column: Next c Next r If Not IsEmpty(valuesFiltered) Then _ ListBox1.List = valuesFiltered End Sub 
