
希望你一切顺利。 我需要一些帮助。 举个例子,我有3个csv文件:


firstname | lastname | city | country | emailaddress ----------------------------------------------------- alexf sdfsd mumbai india sdf@sdf.com ---------- asfd sdfsdf toronto canada dfsd@sdf.com 


 first-name | last-name | currentcity | currentcountry | email-address ---------------------------------------------------------------------- asdf sdfkjwl sydney australia sdf@dsffwe.com ---------- lskjdf sdlfkjlkj delhi india sdflkj@sdf.com 


 fname | lname | usercity | usercountry | email ----------------------------------------------- sdf sdflj auckland new zealand sdf@sdf.com ---------- sdfsdf sdf venice italy sdf@dsf.com 

现在我想创build一个单一的csv或excel或mysql或任何数据库表,其中我想所有这些logging从所有不同的csv文件与不同的列/标题名称,但具有相同types的数据。 喜欢这个:


 first_name | last_name | city | country | email_address -------------------------------------------------------- alexf sdfsd mumbai india sdf@sdf.com asfd sdfsdf toronto canada dfsd@sdf.com asdf sdfkjwl sydney australia sdf@dsffwe.com lskjdf sdlfkjlkj delhi india sdflkj@sdf.com sdf sdflj auckland new zealand sdf@sdf.com sdfsdf sdf venice italy sdf@dsf.com 

实际上,由于不同types的数据源,我有50多个不同列名但数据types相同的文件。 你会build议我做什么,你会build议什么策略或方法,我应该如何实现这一点。 如果可能的话,请给我build议简单的方法(excel / powerquery / powerBI)或者代码(php / sql)。 我需要快速或自动化的解决scheme,如数据映射。 我search了很多,但找不到任何解决scheme。 build议将不胜感激。 谢谢

我会用这个Power Query。 您将需要为每个input文件布局单独的查询。 这些将只重命名列以匹配您的singlecsvfile.csv列名称。 我将设置每个加载/只创build一个连接

然后,最后一个singlecsvfile查询将使用追加查询来添加input查询中的所有数据。 Power Query使用列名称来组合Append中的数据 – 列的顺序(从左到右)无关紧要。

如果您的50多个文件中有任何常见的布局,我会将它们分成子文件夹。 然后,您可以使用单个input查询翻阅子文件夹中的所有文件查询 – 开始使用“ 从文件/从文件夹”

电源查询将输出到Excel表格。 如果您确实需要CSV输出,请logging一个macros以刷新Power Query和Save As CSV。

超级用户不是真正的代码写作服务。 这就是说我有一段代码,应该基本上做你想在vba中。 它有一些评论,所以应该可以pipe理。 可能需要根据你的文件进行一些调整。

 Option Explicit Global first_sheet As Boolean Global append As Boolean Sub process_folder() Dim book_counter As Integer Dim folder_path As String Dim pWB As Workbook, sWB As Workbook, sWB_name As String Dim pWS As Worksheet book_counter = 0 first_sheet = True 'Flag between appending in one sheet and copying into individual sheets append = True Set pWB = ActiveWorkbook Set pWS = pWB.ActiveSheet folder_path = "O:\Active\_2010\1193\10-1193-0015 Kennecott eagle\Phase 8500 - DFN Modelling\4. Analysis & Modelling\Phase 2 - DFN building\Export\fracture_properties\20140205" folder_path = verify_folder(folder_path) If folder_path = "NULL" Then Exit Sub End If 'Get first file to open sWB_name = Dir(folder_path, vbNormal) 'Loop through files Do While sWB_name <> "" 'Open each file Workbooks.Open Filename:=folder_path & sWB_name Set sWB = Workbooks(sWB_name) Call process_workbook(pWB, sWB) 'close file increment counter sWB_name = Dir() book_counter = book_counter + 1 Loop 'Number of files processed MsgBox ("Number of Fragment Files processed: " & book_counter) End Sub Sub process_workbook(pWB As Workbook, sWB As Workbook) If append Then Call append_all_sheets(pWB, sWB, 1) Else Call copy_all_sheets(pWB, sWB) End If End Sub Sub copy_all_sheets(pWB As Workbook, sWB As Workbook) Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In sWB.Worksheets ws.Move After:=pWB.Sheets(pWB.Sheets.count) Next ws End Sub Sub append_all_sheets(pWB As Workbook, sWB As Workbook, headerRows As Long) Dim lastCol As Long, lastRow As Long, pasteRow As Long Dim count As Integer Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In sWB.Worksheets lastCol = find_last_col(ws) lastRow = find_last_row(ws) pasteRow = find_last_row(pWB.Sheets(1)) 'Copy entire data range if its the first sheet otherwise leave of the header row If first_sheet Then ' ws.Range("A1").Resize(lastRow, lastCol).Copy pWB.Sheets(1).Range("A" & pasteRow).Resize(lastRow, lastCol).Formula = ws.Range("A1").Resize(lastRow, lastCol).Formula 'Destination:=pWB.Sheets(1).pasteRow Else 'pWB.Sheets(1).Formula = ws.Range("A1").Offset(headerRows, 0).Resize(lastRow - headerRows, lastCol).Formula pWB.Sheets(1).Range("A" & pasteRow).Resize(lastRow - headerRows, lastCol).Formula = ws.Range("A1").Offset(headerRows, 0).Resize(lastRow - headerRows, lastCol).Formula End If first_sheet = False Next ws sWB.Close (False) End Sub Function find_last_row(ws As Worksheet) As Long With ws If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then find_last_row = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Row Else find_last_row = 1 End If End With End Function Function find_last_col(ws As Worksheet) As Long With ws If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then find_last_col = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Column Else find_last_col = 1 End If End With End Function Function verify_folder(path As String) As String If path = "" Then MsgBox ("Enter the Directory of the Fragment simulation files to process") verify_folder = "NULL" Exit Function End If If Not PathExists(path) Then MsgBox ("Directory does not exist") verify_folder = "NULL" Exit Function End If If Right(path, 1) <> "\" Then verify_folder = path & "\" End If End Function Function PathExists(pName) As Boolean On Error Resume Next PathExists = (GetAttr(pName) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory End Function