
这是我第一次使用VBA,所以我需要帮助。 这是Excel中的一个macros,用于将文件从一个Excel扩展转换为另一个。 我已经开始转换这个代码从32位工作在64位,并发现在线最关键的部分改变,但现在它给我编译错误:types不匹配,我不知道该怎么改变。 任何帮助表示赞赏。

Error显示Sub loopConvert()的黄色箭头,cntToConvert显示为蓝色突出显示的部分。 包括图片。 错误的图片

Option Explicit 'Created by David Miller (dlmille on EE October, 2011) 'Feel free to use and share, please maintain appropriate acknowledgements the author and link where you found this code. Sub loopConvert() Dim fPath As String Dim fName As String, fSaveAsFilePath As String, fOriginalFilePath As String Dim wBook As Workbook, fFilesToProcess() As String Dim numconverted As LongPtr, cntToConvert As LongPtr, i As LongPtr Dim killOnSave As Boolean, xMsg As LongPtr, overWrite As Boolean, pOverWrite As Boolean Dim silentMode As Boolean Dim removeMacros As Boolean Dim fromFormat As String, toformat As String Dim saveFormat As LongPtr Dim wkb As Workbook, wks As Worksheet Set wkb = ThisWorkbook Set wks = wkb.Sheets("Control Panel") removeMacros = IIf(wks.CheckBoxes("Check Box 1").Value = 1, True, False) silentMode = IIf(wks.CheckBoxes("Check Box 2").Value = 1, True, False) killOnSave = IIf(wks.CheckBoxes("Check Box 3").Value = 1, True, False) fromFormat = wkb.Names("fromFormat").RefersToRange toformat = wkb.Names("toFormat").RefersToRange saveFormat = IIf(toformat = ".XLS", xlExcel8, IIf(toformat = ".XLSX", xlOpenXMLWorkbook, xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled)) Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'no user prompting, taking all defaults Application.ScreenUpdating = False fPath = GetFolderName("Select Folder for " & fromFormat & " to " & toformat & " conversion") If fPath = "" Then MsgBox "You didn't select a folder", vbCritical, "Aborting!" Exit Sub Else fName = Dir(fPath & "\*" & fromFormat) If fName = "" Then MsgBox "There aren't any " & fromFormat & " files in the " & fPath & " directory", vbCritical, "Aborting" Exit Sub Else 'get a file count of files to be processed, then process them in the next step Do If UCase(Right(fName, Len(fromFormat))) = UCase(fromFormat) Then 'to differentiate between dir *.xls and inadvertently get *.xls??? ReDim Preserve fFilesToProcess(cntToConvert) As String fFilesToProcess(cntToConvert) = fName cntToConvert = cntToConvert + 1 End If fName = Dir Loop Until fName = "" If cntToConvert = 0 Then 'we were looking for .XLS and there was only .XLS??? or nothing, then abort MsgBox "There aren't any " & fromFormat & " files in the " & fPath & " directory", vbCritical, "Aborting" Exit Sub End If If Not silentMode Then xMsg = MsgBox("There are " & cntToConvert & " " & fromFormat & " files to convert to " & toformat & ". Do you want to delete the " & fromFormat & " files as they are processed?", vbYesNoCancel, "Select an Option") killOnSave = False 'already false, but just a reminder this is in here! If xMsg = vbYes Then killOnSave = True ElseIf xMsg = vbCancel Then GoTo processComplete End If Else pOverWrite = True End If Application.EnableEvents = False 'turn off events so macros don't fire on excel file opens For i = 0 To cntToConvert - 1 'process each file for conversion, displaying status as progress... Application.StatusBar = "Processing: " & i + 1 & " of " & cntToConvert & " file: " & fName fName = fFilesToProcess(i) 'open and convert file On Error GoTo errHandler fOriginalFilePath = fPath & "\" & fName 'you could also check to see if the save as file already exists, before you open convert and save on top! overWrite = False fSaveAsFilePath = fPath & "\" & Mid(fName, 1, Len(fName) - Len(fromFormat)) & toformat If Not pOverWrite Then If FileFolderExists(fSaveAsFilePath) Then xMsg = MsgBox("File: " & fSaveAsFilePath & " already exists, overwrite?", vbYesNoCancel, "Hit Yes to Overwrite, No to Skip, Cancel to quit") If xMsg = vbYes Then overWrite = True ElseIf xMsg = vbCancel Then GoTo processComplete End If Else overWrite = True End If Else overWrite = pOverWrite End If If overWrite Then Set wBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(fOriginalFilePath) If removeMacros And (toformat = ".XLS" Or toformat = ".XLSM") And (fromFormat <> ".XLSX") Then 'use Remove Macro Helper Call RemoveAllMacros(wBook) End If wBook.SaveAs Filename:=fSaveAsFilePath, FileFormat:=saveFormat wBook.Close savechanges:=False numconverted = numconverted + 1 'optionally, you can delete the file you converted from If killOnSave And fromFormat <> toformat Then Kill fOriginalFilePath End If End If Next i End If End If processComplete: On Error GoTo 0 MsgBox "Completed " & numconverted & " " & fromFormat & " to " & toformat & " conversions", vbOKOnly Application.EnableEvents = True 'uncomment if doing other conversions where macros are involved in source workbooks Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = False Exit Sub errHandler: Application.StatusBar = False MsgBox "For some reason, could not open/save the file: " & fPath & "\" & fName, vbCritical, "Aborting!" Resume processComplete End Sub 

Squidx3帮我弄清楚,我需要改变它。 它现在的作品,谢谢!


 Dim numconverted As LongPtr, cntToConvert As LongPtr, i As LongPtr 


 Dim numconverted As LongPtr, cntToConvert As Long, i As Long 

GetFolderName不是本地函数。 你从另一个地方复制这个代码? validationgetFolderName是否存在。