查找TextBox / Label标题是否适合控件

该场景试图调整字体大小,以获得一个漂亮的graphics安排,或试图决定在哪里打破标题/副标题。 a)在XL VBA中,有一种方法可以确定文本框上的文本或标签上的标题是否仍适合控件? b)有没有办法知道在多行控制下的文本/标题损坏了?


Function TextWidth(aText As String, Optional aFont As NewFont) As Single Dim theFont As New NewFont Dim notSeenTBox As Control On Error Resume Next 'trap for aFont=Nothing theFont = aFont 'try assign If Err.Number Then 'can't use aFont because it's not instantiated/set theFont.Name = "Tahoma" theFont.Size = 8 theFont.Bold = False theFont.Italic = False End If On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'make a TextBox, fiddle with autosize et al, retrive control width Set notSeenTBox = UserForms(0).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "notSeen1", False) notSeenTBox.MultiLine = False notSeenTBox.AutoSize = True 'the trick notSeenTBox.Font.Name = theFont.Name notSeenTBox.SpecialEffect = 0 notSeenTBox.Width = 0 ' otherwise we get an offset (a ""feature"" from MS) notSeenTBox.Text = aText TextWidth = notSeenTBox.Width 'done with it, to scrap I say UserForms(0).Controls.Remove ("notSeen1") Exit Function ErrHandler: TextWidth = -1 MsgBox "TextWidth failed: " + Err.Description End Function 


