

我正在使用Telerik UI For Windows窗体

我有一个RadGridView ,我代表一个名为MarketInfo的自定义types:

 Public NotInheritable Class MarketInfo ... Public ReadOnly Property Participants As ReadOnlyCollection(Of ParticipantInfo) Get Return Me.GetParticipants() End Get End Property ... End Class 


 Private Function GetParticipants(ByVal market As XElement) As ReadOnlyCollection(Of ParticipantInfo) Dim participantInfoList As New List(Of ParticipantInfo) For Each participantNode As XElement In market...<participant> participantInfoList.Add(New ParticipantInfo(participantNode)) Next Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of ParticipantInfo)(participantInfoList) End Function 


 Public NotInheritable Class ParticipantInfo Private ReadOnly participantElement As XElement Public ReadOnly Property Name As String Get Return participantElement.@name End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Id As String Get Return participantElement.@id End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Odds As String Get Return participantElement.@odds End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property OddsDecimal As String Get Return participantElement.@oddsDecimal End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property LastUpdateDate As String Get Return participantElement.@lastUpdateDate End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property LastUpdateTime As String Get Return participantElement.@lastUpdateTime End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Handicap As String Get Return participantElement.@handicap End Get End Property Public Sub New(ByVal participantElement As XElement) Me.participantElement = participantElement End Sub Private Sub New() End Sub End Class 








 Dim exporter As New ExportToExcelML(rdg) With exporter .HiddenColumnOption = HiddenOption.ExportAlways .HiddenRowOption = HiddenOption.ExportAlways .ExportVisualSettings = True .SheetMaxRows = ExcelMaxRows._65536 .SheetName = "xxxxxxxx" .SummariesExportOption = SummariesOption.ExportAll .PagingExportOption = PagingExportOption.AllPages .FileExtension = ".xlsx" .RadGridViewToExport = rdg .ChildViewExportMode = ChildViewExportMode.ExportAllViews End With exporter.RunExport(fileName) 


 ... <Data ss:Type="String">System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[WilliamHillLeecher.Leecher.Types.ParticipantInfo]</Data></Cell></Row> ... 







(有了这个,我只是告诉我可以接受其他types的build议,但是请记住,我知道更重点的Excel库,但是我仍然不知道如何做到这一点与任何lib …可能是由于误解如何才能完成相同的任务添加/表示使用Excel用户界面的集合。)

  1. 在内存中填充一个新的RadGridView,并像其他人那样输出: http : //www.telerik.com/forums/radgrid-hierarchy-export-to-excel-showing-exporting-master-table-rows-但细节-行-是空白线

  2. 您可以控制使用XML创build的Excel XML,与OpenXML相比, ClosedXML非常易于使用。

  3. 有大量的其他选项和

  4. 使用Telerik打开支持请求可能是确认GridViewExportOptions中是否存在Sheet Per Detail页面的任何选项的最快方法。

如果你愿意使用开源库,试试这个: EPPlus一旦你在你的项目中引用了epplus.dll,下面的代码可以以你想要的方式将数据导出到xlsx格式:

 using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing; using OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart; using OfficeOpenXml.Style; using OfficeOpenXml.Table; using OfficeOpenXml.Table.PivotTable; namespace OfficeOpenXml { public static class ExcelHelper { public static void Save(dynamic Table, string path) { var excel = CreateReport(Table); excel.SaveAs(path); } static void Save(this ExcelPackage excel, string path) { excel.SaveAs(path); } static ExcelWorksheet Export(ExcelPackage excel, dynamic Table, out ExcelRange range) // here it is your grid { var sheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Master_Data"); int row=0, col=0; foreach (dynamic dc in Table.Columns) { sheet.Cell(row, col++).Value = dc.Caption; } row++; col = 0; foreach (dynamic dr in Table.Rows) { foreach (object value in dr.ItemArray) { sheet.Cell(row, col++).Value = value; } row++; col = 0; } range= sheet.Cells[0, 0, row - 1, Table.Columns.Count - 1]; return sheet; } static ExcelPackage CreateReport(dynamic Table) { var excel = new ExcelPackage(); ExcelRange range; ExcelWorksheet sheet; sheet = Export( excel, Table, out range); CreatePivotTable(range, TableStyles.Medium12); return excel; } static ExcelPivotTable CreatePivotTable(ExcelRange range, TableStyles tableStyle) { int count = range.Worksheet.Workbook.Worksheets.Count; var summary = range.Worksheet.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("PivotTable" + count); var pivotTable = summary.PivotTables.Add(summary.Cells["A3"], range, "Summary" + count); pivotTable.ApplyBorderFormats = true; pivotTable.ApplyNumberFormats = true; pivotTable.TableStyle = tableStyle; pivotTable.WorkSheet.View.ShowGridLines = false; pivotTable.MultipleFieldFilters = false; pivotTable.RowGrandTotals = false; pivotTable.ColumGrandTotals = false; pivotTable.Compact = false; pivotTable.CompactData = false; pivotTable.GridDropZones = false; pivotTable.Outline = false; pivotTable.OutlineData = false; pivotTable.ShowError = true; pivotTable.ErrorCaption = "[error]"; pivotTable.ShowHeaders = false; pivotTable.UseAutoFormatting = true; pivotTable.ApplyWidthHeightFormats = true; pivotTable.ShowDrill = true; //pivotTable.DataOnRows = false; pivotTable.WorkSheet.View.FreezePanes(pivotTable.PageFields.Count + pivotTable.ColumnFields.Count + 3, 1); foreach (var fld in pivotTable.Fields) { pivotTable.RowFields.Add(fld); fld.Compact = false; fld.Outline = false; fld.ShowAll = false; fld.SubtotalTop = false; fld.SubTotalFunctions = eSubTotalFunctions.None; } return pivotTable; } } } 

我在一些函数中使用了dynamic关键字,因为我不知道如何访问Telerik Grid中的数据,但是我想它可能有行和列的属性。 如果不是这种情况,那么你将不得不改变那部分代码。 如果您使用DataTable作为网格的数据源,那么您可以直接传递DataTable。 一旦创build了一个文件,就可以用MS Excel或任何其他支持openxml格式的应用程序打开它。 你将不得不玩ExcelPivotTable对象,以获得所需的结果。 另请参阅下面的示例报告的屏幕截图: 示例报告