从文本文件中取出string,评估一次返回的variablesVBA / SQL Server


Function ReturnSql(filepath As String) As String Dim TextFile As Integer Dim FileContent As String 'Determine the next file number available for use by the FileOpen function TextFile = FreeFile 'Open the text file Open filepath For Input As TextFile 'Store file content inside a variable FileContent = Input(LOF(TextFile), TextFile) ReturnSql = FileContent 'Close Text File Close TextFile End Function 

然后,我将代码放入VBA中的adodb连接。 一切顺利。 不过,我想添加一个variables。 如果这一切都在vba它看起来像这样:

 sub RunSqlWithVariable dim strSQL as string strSQL = "SELECT ClientTerm FROM ClientTable WHERE ClientID = '" & strClient & "';" 'Put this into an adodb connection etc end sub 

我已经将SQL过程存储在文本文件中。 这些就像这样:

 SELECT ClientTerm FROM ClientTable WHERE ClientID = '" & strClient & ";'" 

但是我不能得到variablesstrClient评估(不知道我的措辞在这里)。 有这个function吗? 或者我应该只使用查找和replace?


 SELECT ClientTerm FROM ClientTable WHERE ClientID = 'Opera Winfrey'; 


 Sub Sample() Dim sql As String Dim sClient As String sClient = "Sid" strClient = ReturnSql("C:\Users\Siddharth Rout\Desktop\Sid.txt") strClient = Replace(strClient, "strClient", Chr(34) & sClient & Chr(34)) Debug.Print strClient End Sub 


 SELECT ClientTerm FROM ClientTable WHERE ClientID = '" & "Sid" & ";'"