


我想find并replacestring中的所有水果。 我有一个列表:
fruit[apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas, watermelons, pineapples]
我需要用所选的蔬菜代替所有的蔬菜, 映射是指定的(例如'苹果'='cabbage'),所以这是一个简单的查找和replace。 说,string继续,一些水果重复自己。




 Sub Main() Dim X As Long, FruitArr As Variant, VegArr As Variant, MyStr As String FruitArr = Array("apples", "oranges", "strawberries", "bananas", "watermelons", "pineapples") VegArr = Array("cabbages", "potatoes", "brussell sprouts", "cucumbers", "lettuces", "eggplants") MyStr = "All the apples in the world are round like oranges and strawberries, but they do not look like bananas. watermelons on the other hand are big like pineapples. apples are red and bananas are yellow." For X = UBound(FruitArr) To LBound(FruitArr) Step -1 MyStr = Replace(MyStr, FruitArr(X), VegArr(X)) Next Debug.Print MyStr End Sub 

编辑:改变订单从另一个方向从一个回合到另一个回合。 这就是菠萝在苹果前被换掉了,否则菠萝的苹果部分被错误地转换了。


  Sub Main() Dim i As Integer Dim str As String Dim fruits As String Dim fruitArr() As String str = "All the apples in the world are round like oranges and strawberries, but they do not look like bananas." & _ "Watermelons on the other hand are big like pineapples. Apples are red and bananas are yellow." If InStr(1, str, "apples") > 0 Then fruits = "apples, oranges, strawberries, bananas, watermelons, pineapples" fruitArr = Split(fruits, ",") For i = LBound(fruitArr) To UBound(fruitArr) If fruitArr(i) = "apples" Then str = Replace(str, "apples", "cabbage") End If Next End If Debug.Print str End Sub