
我有许多文件夹中的许多Excel文件,我需要删除列中的所有文件的行。 B是数组中的单词:

例如。 我的坏话列表:


如果A2栏是“太阳是太阳系中心的恒星”。 – 这一行已被删除。

如果在列中是'thesunis ..' – 这一行已被删除。 但是不好!


  1. 如何删除数组元素的确切单词的行?
  2. 如何计数数组元素?
  3. 如何在数组元素中转义单引号(例如下面的代码)
  4. 如何打开文件夹“C://文件夹”中的所有文件,并在运行代码后保存全部?


Sub code() Dim MyValue As String Dim a As Integer '------------------------------------------------------ ArrayValueToRemove = Array("the sun", "code 'in", "another") Range("B:B").Select '------------------------------------------------------ For Each cell In Selection MyValue = CStr(cell.Value) For a = 0 To 2 If InStr(1, LCase(MyValue), LCase(ArrayValueToRemove(a))) > 0 Then cell.EntireRow.Delete Exit For End If Next Next cell End Sub 

 Sub deleteBadWordRows() Dim currentFile, currentSheet, badWords As Variant, lastRow, i As Integer, baseDirectory As String '------------------------------------------------------ baseDirectory = "c:\folder\" badWords = Array("the sun", "code 'in", "another") '------------------------------------------------------ currentFile = Dir(baseDirectory) While (currentFile <> "") Workbooks.Open baseDirectory + currentFile For Each currentSheet In Workbooks(currentFile).Worksheets lastRow = currentSheet.Cells(currentSheet.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row For j = 1 To lastRow For i = 0 To UBound(badWords) If InStr(1, LCase(CStr(currentSheet.Cells(j, "B").Value)), LCase(badWords(i))) > 0 Then currentSheet.Rows(j).Delete j = j - 1 lastRow = lastRow - 1 Exit For End If Next Next Next Workbooks(currentFile).Save Workbooks(currentFile).Close currentFile = Dir Wend End Sub 

考虑一个SQL解决scheme,用通配符%来查询你的stringsearch。 用于PC的Excel可以连接到Jet / ACE SQL引擎(Window.dll文件)并查询工作簿。 除了遍历工作簿以外,您可以避免嵌套循环。

下面假设所有的工作表都是带有列标题的结构表格,全部从A1开始。 查询结果被转储到一个新的工作表,您可以在那里删除当前的工作表。 请务必用实际名称replace占位符, CurrentWorksheetColumnANewWorksheet

 Sub DeleteSQL() Dim conn As Object, rst As Object Dim strConnection As String, strSQL As String Dim i As Integer Dim wb As Workbook Dim dirpath As String: dirpath = "C:\\Folder" Dim xlfile As Variant: xlfile = Dir(dirpath & "\*.xls*") Do While (xlfile <> "") Set wb = Workbooks.Open(dirpath & "\" & xlfile) Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' WORKBOOK CONNECTION strConnection = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" _ & "Data Source='" & dirpath & "\" & xlfile & "';" _ & "Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;"";" ' OPEN DB CONNECTION conn.Open strConnection ' OPEN RECORDSET strSQL = " SELECT * FROM [CurrentWorksheet$]" _ & " WHERE [ColumnA] LIKE ""%the sun%"" OR [ColumnA]" _ & " LIKE ""%code 'in%"" OR [ColumnA] LIKE ""%another%""" rst.Open strSQL, conn wb.Sheets.Add(After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count).Name = "NewWorkSheet" ' RESULTSET COLUMNS For i = 1 To rst.Fields.Count wb.Worksheets("NewWorkSheet").Cells(1, i) = rst.Fields(i - 1).Name Next i ' RESULTSET DATA ROWS wb.Worksheets("NewWorkSheet").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rst wb.Close True rst.Close: conn.Close Set rst = Nothing: Set conn = Nothing xlfile = Dir Loop End Sub