SQL的(where IN)子句的用法

我试图search和显示下面提到的代码中的以下问题作为Excel输出。 由于我的excel电子表格的LABELDATA两列,问题出现在名为LABEL的列下,而相关的YES / NO答案出现在名为DATA的列下。


WHERE Label IN ('Is the price adequate? ' AND Data='No', 'Were the proper measures taken prior? ' AND Data='No', 'Is the incident reported? ' AND Data='No', 'Did the both prices match?' , 'Learning Methods', 'Next actions Required','Final feedback') 



 WHERE ( Label IN ('Is the price adequate? ', 'Were the proper measures taken prior? ', 'Is the incident reported? ' ) AND Data='No' ) or ( Label IN ('Did the both prices match?' , 'Learning Methods', 'Next actions Required', 'Final feedback' ) )