

我有一个工作表,在AI列有工作簿中的所有工作表的列表。 列B有一个dropdown列表,用户将selectY或N来指示他们是否打印该表格。

我的代码应该做的是打印所有在列B中有Y的工作表作为一个工作。 我有一个名为FirstSheetPrint的单元格引用, FirstSheetPrint第一个工作表的名称复制到列B中具有Y的工作表的列表中。然后,我接受该名称并在其周围添加“”,以便它可以用作工作表名称然后循环遍历所有具有Y的行,并将“s”和工作表名称添加到单个string中(随着循环的继续,string不断增长)。

我的问题是,当我试图将这个string名称分配给一个数组,我得到一个错误的下标超出范围。 我添加了我的消息框的屏幕快照,显示最终string的样子和错误的屏幕截图。



 Sub PrintAllSheets() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Dim DoesPrint As Boolean Dim SheetsToPrint As String Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim StartCount As Integer Dim StartRange As String Dim totalString As String DoesPrint = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show If DoesPrint = False Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Else End If SheetsToPrint = Sheets("Printing").Range("FirstSheetPrint").Value SheetCount = Sheets("Printing").Range("SheetsToPrintCount").Value StartCount = 4 If SheetsToPrint = "N" Then MsgBox "Please select which sheets you would like to print" Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Else SheetsToPrint = ("""" & SheetsToPrint & """") For i = 1 To SheetCount If Sheets("Printing").Range("N" & StartCount).Value > 0 Then SheetsToPrint = (SheetsToPrint & ", " & """" & Sheets("Printing").Range("L" & StartCount).Value & """") StartCount = StartCount + 1 Else StartCount = StartCount + 1 End If Next i MsgBox ("We will print: " & SheetsToPrint) End If Sheets(Array(SheetsToPrint)).PrintOut Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub 

错误消息 消息框


 Sub PrintAllSheets() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Dim DoesPrint As Boolean Dim SheetsToPrint As String Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim StartCount As Integer Dim MyArr() As String Dim StartRange As String Dim totalString As String Dim i As Long DoesPrint = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show If DoesPrint = False Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub End If SheetsToPrint = Sheets("Printing").Range("FirstSheetPrint").Value SheetCount = Sheets("Printing").Range("SheetsToPrintCount").Value StartCount = 4 If SheetsToPrint = "N" Then MsgBox "Please select which sheets you would like to print" Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Else 'SheetsToPrint = ("""" & SheetsToPrint & """") 'Not sure if this is needed For i = 1 To SheetCount If Sheets("Printing").Range("N" & StartCount).Value > 0 Then SheetsToPrint = (SheetsToPrint & "," & Sheets("Printing").Range("L" & StartCount).Value) StartCount = StartCount + 1 Else StartCount = StartCount + 1 End If Next i MsgBox ("We will print: " & SheetsToPrint) End If 'Split the string into an array MyArr = Split(SheetsToPrint, ",") 'Print the array Sheets(MyArr).PrintOut Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub