
我的代码search整个工作表,search与input的短语匹配的文本框。 按是则转到下一个响应,使用该短语否将复制当前文本框。 我的问题是它没有search整个工作表,但卡住循环通过一个工作表,直到我按否复制。 我是新来的VBA,所以请任何帮助将感恩。

Sub FindResponse() Dim rStart As Range Dim shp As Shape Dim sFind As String Dim sTemp As String Dim Response Dim obj As New DataObject Dim ws As Worksheet sFind = InputBox("Search for?") If Trim(sFind) = "" Then MsgBox "Nothing entered" Exit Sub End If Set rStart = ActiveCell For Each ws In Worksheets For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes With shp sTemp = shp.TextFrame.Characters.Text If InStr(LCase(sTemp), LCase(sFind)) <> 0 Then shp.Select Response = MsgBox( _ prompt:=shp.Name & vbCrLf & _ sTemp & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Yes to see other matches: No to copy text", _ Buttons:=vbYesNo, Title:="Continue?") If Response <> vbYes Then obj.SetText sTemp obj.PutInClipboard Exit Sub End If End If End With Next shp Next ws On Error GoTo 0 MsgBox "Value not found" End Sub 


 For Each ws In Worksheets For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes With shp ... End With Next shp Next ws 

正如你可能在仔细观察后所猜到的,它留在同一张纸上的原因是在你的内部循环中,你循环了ActiveSheet.Shapes ,而不是ws.Shapes ,我怀疑你打算做什么。

听到这个循环是无限的,我感到有点惊讶 – 它是否可以循环调用工作表中相同次数的工作表?