





 Public Function absoluteFormula(sheetname As String, ByVal formula As String) As String Dim re As New RegExp Dim matches As MatchCollection Dim mtch As Match Dim absoluteAddress As String 'get all addresses in formula re.pattern = "[$][A-Za-z]+[0-9]+" re.Global = True Set matches = re.Execute(formula) 'replace each address with its static version For Each mtch In matches absoluteAddress = sheetname & "!" & getAbsoluteAddress(re, mtch.value) formula = Replace(formula, mtch.value, absoluteAddress) Next absoluteFormula = formula End Function 'makes row static, eg "$AU1" -> "$AU$1" Private Function getAbsoluteAddress(re As RegExp, address As String) Dim matches As MatchCollection Dim alphaColumn As String re.pattern = "[A-Za-z]+" Set matches = re.Execute(address) alphaColumn = matches(0).value getAbsoluteAddress = Replace(address, alphaColumn, alphaColumn & "$") End Function 


 find all instances of "[$][alpha]+" replace with sheetname & "!" & instance & "$" 


没有完全testing,但会有这样的帮助吗? select一个具有公式的单元格并运行Sample 。 我没有做任何error handling。 我假设ActiveCell 有一个公式。 我也跟你在上面的评论中说你的公式不会有命名范围

 Dim sformula As String Dim sh As String Sub Sample() Dim cell As Range, c As Range '~~> This is what you want to append sh = "Sheet1!" '~~> Store the formula in a variable sformula = ActiveCell.Formula Debug.Print sformula '~~> Get the precedents Set cell = ActiveCell.Precedents '~~> Loop though them For Each c In cell ReplaceAddress c.Address '~~> $A$1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False) '~~> $A1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False) '~~> A$1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) '~~> A1 Next Debug.Print sformula End Sub Function ReplaceAddress(s As String) As String Dim pos As Long pos = InStr(1, sformula, s) Do While pos > 0 If pos = 1 Then sformula = sh & sformula ElseIf pos > 1 Then '~~> Various checks for "!","$" and ":" If Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> "!" And Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> "$" And _ Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> ":" And Mid(sformula, pos - 2, 1) <> ":" Then sformula = Left(sformula, pos - 1) & sh & Mid(sformula, pos) End If End If '~~> Find next occurance pos = InStr(pos + 1, sformula, s) Loop ReplaceAddress = sformula End Function 

















 Sub Sample() Dim cell As Range, c As Range '~~> This is what you want to append sh = "Sheet1!" '~~> Store the formula in a variable sformula = ActiveCell.Formula Debug.Print sformula '~~> Get the precedents Set cell = ActiveCell.Precedents '~~> Loop though them For Each c In cell ReplaceAddress c.Address '~~> $A$1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False) '~~> $A1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False) '~~> A$1 ReplaceAddress c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) '~~> A1 sformula = Replace(sformula, c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False), c.Address) sformula = Replace(sformula, c.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False), c.Address) sformula = Replace(sformula, c.Address(RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False), c.Address) Next Do While InStr(1, sformula, "$$") sformula = Replace(sformula, "$$", "$") Loop Debug.Print sformula End Sub Function ReplaceAddress(s As String) As String Dim pos As Long pos = InStr(1, sformula, s) Do While pos > 0 If pos = 1 Then sformula = sh & sformula ElseIf pos > 1 Then '~~> Various checks for "!","$" and ":" On Error Resume Next If Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> "!" And Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> "$" And _ Mid(sformula, pos - 1, 1) <> ":" And Mid(sformula, pos - 2, 1) <> ":" Then sformula = Left(sformula, pos - 1) & sh & Mid(sformula, pos) End If On Error GoTo 0 End If '~~> Find next occurance pos = InStr(pos + 1, sformula, s) Loop ReplaceAddress = sformula End Function