
我需要VBA代码来检查范围内的空白单元格。 如果在该范围内有任何空格,应该出现一个框让您键入要replace的空格。 下面的代码做我想要的,但提示总是出现,即使没有任何空白。 我该如何做,所以只有有空白的时候才会出现这个框。

Sub ReplaceBlanks() Dim Lastrow As Integer Lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Range("D84:D" & Lastrow).Select Dim cell As Range Dim InputValue As String On Error Resume Next InputValue = InputBox("Enter value that will fill empty cells in selection", "Fill Empty Cells") For Each cell In Selection If IsEmpty(cell) Then cell.Value = InputValue End If Next End Sub 

 Sub ReplaceBlanks() Dim Lastrow As Integer Dim srchRng As Range Lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Set srchRng = Range(Cells(84, 4), Cells(Lastrow, 4)) Dim InputValue As String If srchRng.Count - WorksheetFunction.CountA(srchRng) > 0 Then InputValue = InputBox("Enter value that will fill empty cells in selection", _ "Fill Empty Cells") srchRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = InputValue End If End Sub 

这也增加了范围variables,所以你避免使用.Select 。 它还假定您只需要一个input值。 如果您希望触发每个空单元格,请将inputValue = ...放入If IsEmpty(cell)循环中。

你的替代schemeIf a cell is empty循环,是一个单行修正:

Range(Cells(84,4),Cells(lastRow,4)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = InputValue 。 这将采取D84:DlastRow所有空白,并填写任何InputValue 。 不需要循环。

 Sub ReplaceBlanks() Dim Lastrow As Integer Lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Range("D84:D" & Lastrow).Select Dim cell As Range Dim InputValue As String On Error Resume Next For Each cell In Selection If IsEmpty(cell) Then InputValue = InputBox("Enter value that will fill empty cells in selection", _ "Fill Empty Cells") cell.Value = InputValue End If Next End Sub 


YourRange.Cells.Count - WorksheetFunction.CountA(YourRange)会给你空白的计数,所以你可以检查你是否有空白:

 Sub ReplaceBlanks() Dim Lastrow As Integer Lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row 'Use 4 as it is the D column you are working with Dim cel As Range 'Use cel as CELL can be confused with functions Dim InputValue As String If Range("D84:D" & Lastrow).Cells.Count - WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("D84:D" & Lastrow)) > 0 Then InputValue = InputBox("Enter value that will fill empty cells in selection", "Fill Empty Cells") For Each cel In Range("D84:D" & Lastrow) If IsEmpty(cel) Then cel.Value = InputValue End If Next End If End Sub