
我写了一个python脚本,将从一个文件夹中拉出excel文件,并将其写入一个SQL表。 我得到的代码工作,但只有当我删除包含标题的Excel文件的第一行。 我是Python新手,所以这可能是简单的,但我看了很多不同的技术,并不知道如何将其插入到我的代码。 任何想法将不胜感激!

# Import arcpy module from xlrd import open_workbook ,cellname import arcpy import pyodbc as p # Database Connection Info server = "myServer" database = "my_Tables" connStr = ('DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};SERVER=' + server + ';DATABASE=' + database + ';' + 'Trusted_Connection=yes') # Assign path to Excel file file_to_import = '\\\\Location\\Report_Test.xls' # Assign column count column_count=10 # Open entire workbook book = open_workbook(file_to_import) # Use first sheet sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) # Open connection to SQL Server Table conn = p.connect(connStr) # Get cursor cursor = conn.cursor() # Assign the query string without values once, outside the loop query = "INSERT INTO HED_EMPLOYEE_DATA (Company, Contact, Email, Name, Address, City, CentralCities, EnterpriseZones, NEZ, CDBG) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" # Iterate through each row for row_index in range(sheet.nrows): row_num = row_index Company = sheet.cell(row_index,0).value Contact = sheet.cell(row_index,1).value Email = sheet.cell(row_index,2).value Name = sheet.cell(row_index,3).value Address = sheet.cell(row_index,4).value City = sheet.cell(row_index,5).value CentralCities = sheet.cell(row_index,6).value EnterpriseZones = sheet.cell(row_index,7).value NEZ = sheet.cell(row_index,8).value CDBG = sheet.cell(row_index,9).value values = (Company, Contact, Email, Name, Address, City, CentralCities, EnterpriseZones, NEZ, CDBG) cursor.execute(query, values) # Close cursor cursor.close() # Commit transaction conn.commit() # Close SQL server connection conn.close() 

您可以在第二行初始化迭代。 尝试以下操作:

 for row_index in range(1,sheet.nrows): 

编辑:如果您需要迭代.xls文件列表,正如您在注释中所述,基本思路是对文件执行外部循环。 这里有一些提示:

 # You need to import the os library. At the beinning of your code import os ... # Part of your code here ... # Assign path to Excel file #file_to_import = '\\\\Location\\Report_Test.xls' folder_to_import = '\\\\Location' l_files_to_import = os.listdir(folder_to_import) for file_to_import in l_files_to_import: if file_to_import.endswith('.xls'): # The rest of your code here. Be careful with the indentation! column_count=10 ...