
这段代码读取一个Excel文件。 这个excel文件保存的信息,如客户的工作号码,客户名称,网站,作品说明等。



#Insert Hyperlink to folder def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination): cols = 'B' rows = str(last_row_position) position = cols + rows final_position = "".join(position) print final_position # This is just to check the value # The statement below should insert hyperlink in eps.xlsm > worksheet jobnoeps at column B and last completed row. ws.cell(final_position).hyperlink = destination 

完整的代码如下,但是这里是创build超链接的部分。 我也尝试过“xlswriter”包,没有任何的喜悦。 search了互联网和上面的片段是我发现的结果。


  __author__ = 'Paul' import os import openpyxl from openpyxl import load_workbook import xlsxwriter site_info_root = 'C:\\Users\\paul.EPSCONSTRUCTION\\PycharmProjects\\Excel_Jobs\\Site Information\\' # This function returns the last row on eps.xlsm to be populated def get_last_row(cell_ref = 'P1'): #P1 contains the count of the used rows global wb global ws wb = load_workbook("eps.xlsm", data_only = True) #Workbook ws = wb["jobnoeps"] #Worksheet last_row = ws.cell(cell_ref).value #Value of P1 from that worksheet return last_row # This function will read the job number in format EPS-XXXX-YR def read_last_row_jobno(last_row_position): last_row_data = [] for cols in range(1, 5): last_row_data += str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value) last_row_data_all = "".join(last_row_data) return last_row_data_all #This function will return the Customer def read_last_row_cust(last_row_position): cols = 5 customer_name = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value) return customer_name #This function will return the Site def read_last_row_site(last_row_position): cols = 6 site_name = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value) return site_name #This function will return the Job Discription def read_last_row_disc(last_row_position): cols = 7 site_disc = str(ws.cell(column = cols, row = last_row_position).value) return site_disc last_row = get_last_row() job_no_details = read_last_row_jobno(last_row) job_customer = read_last_row_cust(last_row) job_site = read_last_row_site(last_row) job_disc = read_last_row_disc(last_row) cust_folder = job_customer job_dir = job_no_details + "\\" + job_site + " - " + job_disc #Insert Hyperlink to folder def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination): cols = 'B' rows = str(last_row_position) position = cols + rows final_position = "".join(position) print final_position # This is just to check the value # The statement below should insert hyperlink in eps.xlsm > worksheet jobnoeps at column B and last completed row. ws.cell(final_position).hyperlink = destination folder_location = site_info_root + job_customer + "\\" + job_dir print folder_location # This is just to check the value folder_hyperlink(last_row, folder_location) 


 ##Insert Hyperlink to folder def folder_hyperlink(last_row_position, destination): import xlsxwriter cols = 'B' rows = str(last_row_position) position = cols + rows final_position = "".join(position) print final_position # This is just to check the value workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('eps.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('jobnoeps') print worksheet worksheet.write_url(final_position, 'folder_location') workbook.close() 

该函数覆盖现有的eps.xlsx,创build一个jobnoeps表,然后插入超链接。 我已经玩了以下几行,但不知道如何打开现有的xlsx和现有的jobnoeps选项卡,然后input超链接。

 workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('eps.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('jobnoeps') worksheet.write_url(final_position, 'folder_location') 

XlsxWriter的write_url()方法允许您链接到文件夹或其他工作簿和工作表以及内部链接和链接到url。 例如:

 import xlsxwriter workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('links.xlsx') worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet() worksheet.set_column('A:A', 50) # Link to a Folder. worksheet.write_url('A1', r'external:C:\Temp') # Link to a workbook. worksheet.write_url('A3', r'external:C:\Temp\Book.xlsx') # Link to a cell in a worksheet. worksheet.write_url('A5', r'external:C:\Temp\Book.xlsx#Sheet1!C5') workbook.close() 


这里是诀窍的代码: –

 # Creates hyperlink in existing workbook... def set_hyperlink(): from openpyxl import load_workbook x = "hyperlink address" wb = load_workbook("filename.xlsx") ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name("sheet_name") ws.cell(row = x?, column = y?).hyperlink = x wb.save("filename.xlsx") set_hyperlink() 
