
在Perl中parsingExcel文件最简单的方法是什么? 将其转换为文本文件也是可行的。

最好的方法是使用Spreadsheet :: ParseExcel 。


#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); my $workbook = $parser->parse('Book1.xls'); for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) { my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range(); for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) { for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) { my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col ); next unless $cell; print "Row, Col = ($row, $col)\n"; print "Value = ", $cell->value(), "\n"; print "Unformatted = ", $cell->unformatted(), "\n"; print "\n"; } } } 

用Excel将Excel文件转换为文本我推荐使用Spreadsheet :: ParseExcel的excel2txt 。

我有使用Spreadsheet :: ParseExcel很好运气。


每当遇到问题时, 立即问:为什么我没有检查CPAN呢?


  • 电子表格:: ParseExcel的
  • DBD :: Excel中
  • XML :: Excel中
  • 文件::提取物
 @echo off ECHO CHECK THE VERSION FROM THE PROJECT echo see also this [link][1] for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('Type Version.txt') do set _Version=%%i ECHO The _Version is %_Version% ECHO remove the output html files del *.html /q ECHO remove the output log files del *.log /q ::pause ECHO %0 > %0.log ECHO %0.error.log >%0.error.log set BaseDir=D:\perl\sfw\ExcelToHtml.%_Version% echo BaseDir is %BaseDir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log ECHO. set LogLevel=3 echo LogLevel is %LogLevel% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log ECHO. ::set ExcelFileToParse="%BaseDir%\CoDA_ETL_Integration.xls" SET ExcelFileToParse="%BaseDir%\TODO.xls" echo ExcelFileToParse is %ExcelFileToParse% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log echo. set OutputDir=%BaseDir% echo OutputDir is %Outputdir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log echo. ECHO SET THE UNICODE FOR PERL FOR UTF-8 SET PERL_UNICODE=S ECHO %%PERL_UNICODE%% IS %PERL_UNICODE% ::set PerlScript=parseExcelToCsv.pl set PerlScript=ExcelToHtml.pl echo PerlScript is %PerlScript% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log ECHO. echo Action !!! 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log echo perl %BaseDir%\%PerlScript% %LogLevel% %ExcelFileToParse% %OutputDir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log perl %BaseDir%\%PerlScript% %LogLevel% %ExcelFileToParse% %OutputDir% 1>>%0.log 2>>%0.error.log %0.error.log %0.log ::debug pause use strict; use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; use utf8 ; use Encode ; package ExcelToHtml ; my $DebugLevel = 3 ; print defined($ARGV[0]) ? $DebugLevel = $ARGV[0] : "Using max DebugLevel = $DebugLevel", " \n"; my $minimumAmountOfCommandLineArgs = 3 ; my ( $ExcelFileToParse , $OutputDir , $BaseFileName ) = (); sub main { logMsg("$0 SCRIPT START " , 1 ); #Action !!! call here methods checkCommandLineArgs(); buildNames (); ParseExcelAndlogMsgFiles ( $ExcelFileToParse , $BaseFileName , $OutputDir) ; logMsg("$0 SCRIPT STOP " , 1 ); } #eof MAIN sub buildNames { $ExcelFileToParse = "$ARGV[1]" ; $OutputDir="$ARGV[2]" ; $BaseFileName = $ExcelFileToParse ; logMsg( "\$ExcelFileToParse is $ExcelFileToParse" ) ; logMsg ( "\$OutputDir is $OutputDir" ) ; logMsg ("\$BaseFileName is $BaseFileName \n" ); $BaseFileName =~ s/^(.*)(\\|\/)(.*)/$3/; #strip the directory part logMsg ("\$BaseFileName is $BaseFileName "); $BaseFileName =~ s/^(.*)(\.)(.*)/$1/ ; #strip the file extension logMsg ( "\$BaseFileName is $BaseFileName "); } #eof sub buildNames sub ParseExcelAndlogMsgFiles { my $ExcelFileToParse = shift ; my $BaseFileName = shift ; my $OutputDir = shift ; my $strToReturn = ""; my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new(); my $workbook = $parser->Parse("$ExcelFileToParse"); for my $worksheet ( $workbook->worksheets() ) { my ( $row_min, $row_max ) = $worksheet->row_range(); my ( $col_min, $col_max ) = $worksheet->col_range(); for my $row ( $row_min .. $row_max ) { my $rowStr = "" ; for my $col ( $col_min .. $col_max ) { my $cell = $worksheet->get_cell( $row, $col ); next unless $cell; logMsg ( " Row, Col = ($row, $col)") ; logMsg ( "\$cell->encoding() is " . $cell->encoding()) ; logMsg (" Value = ", $cell->value() ); $rowStr .= makeCell($cell->value() ) ; #The Value logMsg ( "Unformatted = ", $cell->unformatted()) ; } #eof col $rowStr = makeRow( $rowStr ); $strToReturn .= $rowStr ; } #eof for my row my $worksheetName = $worksheet->{'Name'} ; my $FileSheet = "$OutputDir/$BaseFileName" . '.' . $worksheetName . '.' . 'html' ; $strToReturn = makeTable ( $strToReturn ); $strToReturn = makeFile ( $strToReturn ); logMsg ( "\$strToReturn is $strToReturn " ) ; PrintToFile ( $FileSheet, $strToReturn ) ; $strToReturn = "" ; $FileSheet = "" ; } #eof for my worksheet } #eof sub sub trim { $_[0]=~s/^\s+//; $_[0]=~s/\s+$//; return $_[0]; } # =========================================== eof sub trim # Action !!! sub makeRow { my $row = shift ; return "<tr>" . $row . "</tr> \n" ; } sub makeCell { my $cell = shift ; return "<td>" . "$cell" . " </td>" ; } sub makeTable { my $table = shift ; return "\n <table> " . $table . "</table> \n" ; } sub makeFile { my $file = shift ; $file = "<html> <head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/></head><body> $file </body></html>\n" ; return $file ; } sub checkCommandLineArgs { if ( @ARGV != $minimumAmountOfCommandLineArgs ) { logErrorMsg ( "Not enougn command line args supplied exit 1" , 1 ); die "usage: $0 1 args \n" ; exit 1 ; } #eof if else { foreach (@ARGV) { logMsg ( "$_ " ) ; } } #eof else if ( @ARGV != 4 ) } #eof sub checkCommandLineArgs #log a message according to the DebugLevel sub logMsg { my $msg = shift ; my $importance = shift ; my $CurrentPerlScriptName = "$0" ; my $niceMonth = GetANiceMonth (); my $logFile = "$CurrentPerlScriptName" . '_' . "$niceMonth" . '.log' ; $msg = GetANiceTime () .' --- ' . $msg . " \n" ; if ( $importance == 1 ) { $msg = "\n============================================================ \n" . $msg ; $msg = $msg . "============================================================ \n" ; } #debug nothing if ( $DebugLevel == 0 ) { return ; } #just logMsg the message if ( $DebugLevel == 1 ) { logMsg ( $msg ); } #eof if ( $DebugLevel == 1 ) #logMsg the message in if ( $DebugLevel == 2 ) { #READ ALL ROWS OF A FILE TO ALIST open (LOG, ">> $logFile") || print "could not open the \$logFile $logFile !!!\n"; print LOG $msg ; close LOG; } #logMsg the message in if ( $DebugLevel == 3 ) { #READ ALL ROWS OF A FILE TO ALIST open (LOG, ">> $logFile") || print "could not open the \$logFile $logFile !!!\n"; print LOG $msg ; close LOG; print $msg ; } #eof if ( $DebugLevel == 3 ) } #eof sub logMsg #log a message according to the DebugLevel sub logErrorMsg { my $errorMsg = shift ; my $importance = shift ; my $CurrentPerlScriptName = "$0" ; my $niceMonth = GetANiceMonth (); my $errorLogFile = "$CurrentPerlScriptName" . "_" . "$niceMonth" . '.error.log' ; $errorMsg = GetANiceTime () .' --- ' . $errorMsg . " \n" ; if ( $importance == 1 ) { $errorMsg = "\n============================================================ \n" . $errorMsg ; $errorMsg= $errorMsg. "============================================================ \n" ; } #debug nothing if ( $DebugLevel == 0 ) { return ; } #just logMsg the message if ( $DebugLevel == 1 ) { print $errorMsg ; } #logMsg the message in a error log file if ( $DebugLevel == 2 ) { #READ ALL ROWS OF A FILE TO ALIST open (ERRLOG, ">> $errorLogFile") || print "could not open the \$errorLogFile $errorLogFile !!!\n"; print ERRLOG $errorMsg ; close ERRLOG; } #logMsg the message in if ( $DebugLevel == 3 ) { #READ ALL ROWS OF A FILE TO ALIST open (ERRLOG, ">> $errorLogFile") || print "could not open the \$errorLogFile $errorLogFile !!!\n"; print ERRLOG $errorMsg ; close ERRLOG; print $errorMsg ; } #eof if ( $DebugLevel == 3 ) } #eof sub logErrorMsg #GET A NICE TIME sub GetANiceTime { # Purpose: returns the time in yyyymmdd-format my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); #---- change 'month'- and 'year'-values to correct format ---- $min = "0$min" if ($min < 10); $hour = "0$hour" if ($hour < 10); $mon = $mon + 1; $mon = "0$mon" if ($mon < 10); $year = $year + 1900; $mday = "0$mday" if ($mday < 10); return "$year\.$mon\.$mday" . "-" . "$hour\:$min\:$sec"; } #eof sub GetANiceTime sub GetANiceMonth { # Purpose: returns the time in yyyymmdd-format my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); #---- change 'month'- and 'year'-values to correct format ---- $mon = $mon + 1; $mon = "0$mon" if ($mon < 10); $year = $year + 1900; return "$year\.$mon" ; } #eof sub GetANiceTime sub PrintToFile { my $FileOutput = shift ; my $StringToPrint = shift ; #READ ALL ROWS OF A FILE TO ALIST open (FILEOUTPUT, ">$FileOutput") || print "could not open the \$FileOutput $FileOutput!\n"; print FILEOUTPUT $StringToPrint ; close FILEOUTPUT ; #debug $strToReturn .= $StringToPrint; } # =========================================== eof sub PrintToFile #Action !!! main(); 1 ; __END__ #VersionHistory: #1.0. --- Yordan Georgiev --- Initial creation #1.1 --- Yordan Georgiev --- Added conditional logging 


Spreadsheet :: Read试图透明地读取任何电子表格,并以通用的方式返回其内容,而不依赖于执行实际电子表格扫描的parsing模块。