
我正在使用名为js-xlsx链接的软件包: https : //
问题:我如何parsing一个xlsx与合并输出json? 以下是Excel工作表的样子:最后,json应该是这样的:

[ { "Nuber": 1, "Department": "part1", "Unit": ["check","second","cable"], "BeginTime": "1/7:00", "EndTime": "2/20:00", "Worker": ["Lucy","Jussa","Peter"] }, { "Nuber": 2, "Department": "part2", "Unit": "check", "BeginTime": "1/7:00", "EndTime": "1/20:00", "Worker": "Yu" } ] 


 XLSX = require('xlsx'); var workbook = XLSX.readFile('test.xlsx'); var sheet_name_list = workbook.SheetNames; sheet_name_list.forEach(function(y) { /* iterate through sheets */ var worksheet = workbook.Sheets[y]; for (z in worksheet) { /* all keys that do not begin with "!" correspond to cell addresses */ if(z[0] === '!') continue; } }); 

 var XLSX = require('xlsx'); var workbook = XLSX.readFile('iris_small.xlsx'); var sheetNames = workbook.SheetNames; var sheetIndex = 1; var df = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetNames[sheetIndex-1]]); console.log(df); 


 [ { Id: '1', 'Petal.Length': '1.4', 'Petal.Width': '0.2', Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: '2', 'Petal.Length': '1.4', 'Petal.Width': '0.2', Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: '3', 'Petal.Length': '1.3', 'Petal.Width': '0.2', Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: '4', 'Petal.Length': '3.9', 'Petal.Width': '1.4', Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: '5', 'Petal.Length': '3.5', 'Petal.Width': '1', Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: '6', 'Petal.Length': '4.2', 'Petal.Width': '1.5', Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: '7', 'Petal.Length': '5.4', 'Petal.Width': '2.3', Species: 'virginica' }, { Id: '8', 'Petal.Length': '5.1', 'Petal.Width': '1.8', Species: 'virginica' } ] 

正如你所看到的,这些数字被转换成string。 我不知道是否有选项将数字保存为数字。 与Papa Parse解决方法:

 var Papa = require('babyparse'); var csv = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(workbook.Sheets[sheetNames[sheetIndex-1]]); var json = Papa.parse(csv, { header: true, skipEmptyLines: true, dynamicTyping: true } ); console.log(; 


 [ { Id: 1, 'Petal.Length': 1.4, 'Petal.Width': 0.2, Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: 2, 'Petal.Length': 1.4, 'Petal.Width': 0.2, Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: 3, 'Petal.Length': 1.3, 'Petal.Width': 0.2, Species: 'setosa' }, { Id: 4, 'Petal.Length': 3.9, 'Petal.Width': 1.4, Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: 5, 'Petal.Length': 3.5, 'Petal.Width': 1, Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: 6, 'Petal.Length': 4.2, 'Petal.Width': 1.5, Species: 'versicolor' }, { Id: 7, 'Petal.Length': 5.4, 'Petal.Width': 2.3, Species: 'virginica' }, { Id: 8, 'Petal.Length': 5.1, 'Petal.Width': 1.8, Species: 'virginica' } ]