错误parsingjson excel vba

我从这里使用jsonConverter.bas文件https://github.com/VBA-tools/VBA-JSON 。

当parsingjson文件时,大部分文件都被成功的parsing了,但是有一个文件返回Error Parsing JSON

这里是json文件,如果有人感兴趣: http ://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=45560953732509718973



 Option Explicit Dim myPath As String, myFile As String Dim myExtension As String Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog Dim fD As Long, fColD As Long Dim cet Sub getDataFromJSON() Application.ScreenUpdating = False: Application.EnableEvents = False: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With FldrPicker .Title = "Select A Target Folder" .AllowMultiSelect = False If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\" End With NextCode: myPath = myPath If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings myExtension = "*.json" myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension) Do While myFile <> "" Call getData myFile = Dir Loop Data.Activate MsgBox "Task Complete!" ResetSettings: Application.EnableEvents = True: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic: Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub getData() ' Advanced example: Read .json file and load into sheet (Windows-only) ' (add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime) ' {"values":[{"a":1,"b":2,"c": 3},...]} Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject Dim JsonTS As TextStream, JsonText As String, Parsed As Dictionary Set JsonTS = FSO.OpenTextFile(myPath & myFile, ForReading) JsonText = JsonTS.ReadAll JsonTS.Close Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonText) ' Prepare and write values to sheet Dim Value As Dictionary With Data fD = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 fColD = 34 For Each Value In Parsed("events") .Cells(fD, fColD) = Value("t") .Cells(fD, fColD + 1) = Value("e") .Cells(fD, fColD + 2) = Value("ty") .Cells(fD, fColD + 3) = Value("x") .Cells(fD, fColD + 4) = Value("y") fColD = fColD + 5 Next Value .Range("A" & fD) = Parsed("startTime") .Range("B" & fD) = Parsed("websitePageUrl") .Range("C" & fD) = Parsed("session")("visitorId") .Range("D" & fD) = Parsed("session")("playbackUrl") .Range("E" & fD) = Parsed("visitTime") .Range("F" & fD) = Parsed("engagementTime") .Range("G" & fD) = Parsed("pageTitle") .Range("H" & fD) = Parsed("url") .Range("I" & fD) = Parsed("viewportWidth") .Range("J" & fD) = Parsed("viewportHeight") .Range("K" & fD) = Parsed("session")("id") .Range("L" & fD) = Parsed("session")("created") .Range("M" & fD) = Parsed("session")("lastActivity") .Range("N" & fD) = Parsed("session")("duration") .Range("O" & fD) = Parsed("session")("pages") .Range("P" & fD) = Parsed("session")("country") .Range("Q" & fD) = Parsed("session")("city") .Range("R" & fD) = Parsed("session")("isp") .Range("S" & fD) = Parsed("session")("lang") .Range("T" & fD) = Parsed("session")("userAgent") .Range("U" & fD) = Parsed("session")("browser") .Range("V" & fD) = Parsed("session")("browserVersion") .Range("W" & fD) = Parsed("session")("os") .Range("X" & fD) = Parsed("session")("osVersion") .Range("Y" & fD) = Parsed("session")("device") .Range("Z" & fD) = Parsed("session")("referrer") .Range("AA" & fD) = Parsed("session")("referrerType") .Range("AB" & fD) = Parsed("session")("screenRes") .Range("AC" & fD) = Parsed("session")("entryPage") 'loadtimes cet = Split(Parsed("loadTimes"), ",") .Range("AD" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(0), ":")(1)) .Range("AE" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(1), ":")(1)) .Range("AF" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(2), ":")(1)) .Range("AG" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(3), ":")(1)) End With End Sub 

你的json文件是由UTF-8编码的。 所以它没有工作。 通过这个转换编码utf-8。

 Function getString(path As String) Dim objStream As Object Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream .Charset = "UTF-8" .Open .LoadFromFile path getString = .readtext .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Function 


 Dim myPath As String, myFile As String Dim myExtension As String Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog Dim fD As Long, fColD As Long Dim cet Sub getDataFromJSON() Application.ScreenUpdating = False: Application.EnableEvents = False: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Set FldrPicker = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With FldrPicker .Title = "Select A Target Folder" .AllowMultiSelect = False If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode myPath = .SelectedItems(1) & "\" End With NextCode: myPath = myPath If myPath = "" Then GoTo ResetSettings myExtension = "*.json" myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension) Do While myFile <> "" Call getData myFile = Dir Loop 'Data.Activate MsgBox "Task Complete!" ResetSettings: Application.EnableEvents = True: Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic: Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub getData() ' Advanced example: Read .json file and load into sheet (Windows-only) ' (add reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime) ' {"values":[{"a":1,"b":2,"c": 3},...]} Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject Dim JsonTS As TextStream, JsonText As String, Parsed As Dictionary 'Set JsonTS = FSO.OpenTextFile(myPath & myFile, ForReading) 'JsonText = JsonTS.ReadAll 'JsonTS.Close JsonText = getString(myPath & myFile) '<~~ convert utf-8 encode Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonText) ' Prepare and write values to sheet Dim Value As Dictionary 'With Data With ActiveSheet fD = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 fColD = 34 For Each Value In Parsed("events") .Cells(fD, fColD) = Value("t") .Cells(fD, fColD + 1) = Value("e") .Cells(fD, fColD + 2) = Value("ty") .Cells(fD, fColD + 3) = Value("x") .Cells(fD, fColD + 4) = Value("y") fColD = fColD + 5 Next Value .Range("A" & fD) = Parsed("startTime") .Range("B" & fD) = Parsed("websitePageUrl") .Range("C" & fD) = Parsed("session")("visitorId") .Range("D" & fD) = Parsed("session")("playbackUrl") .Range("E" & fD) = Parsed("visitTime") .Range("F" & fD) = Parsed("engagementTime") .Range("G" & fD) = Parsed("pageTitle") .Range("H" & fD) = Parsed("url") .Range("I" & fD) = Parsed("viewportWidth") .Range("J" & fD) = Parsed("viewportHeight") .Range("K" & fD) = Parsed("session")("id") .Range("L" & fD) = Parsed("session")("created") .Range("M" & fD) = Parsed("session")("lastActivity") .Range("N" & fD) = Parsed("session")("duration") .Range("O" & fD) = Parsed("session")("pages") .Range("P" & fD) = Parsed("session")("country") .Range("Q" & fD) = Parsed("session")("city") .Range("R" & fD) = Parsed("session")("isp") .Range("S" & fD) = Parsed("session")("lang") .Range("T" & fD) = Parsed("session")("userAgent") .Range("U" & fD) = Parsed("session")("browser") .Range("V" & fD) = Parsed("session")("browserVersion") .Range("W" & fD) = Parsed("session")("os") .Range("X" & fD) = Parsed("session")("osVersion") .Range("Y" & fD) = Parsed("session")("device") .Range("Z" & fD) = Parsed("session")("referrer") .Range("AA" & fD) = Parsed("session")("referrerType") .Range("AB" & fD) = Parsed("session")("screenRes") .Range("AC" & fD) = Parsed("session")("entryPage") 'loadtimes cet = Split(Parsed("loadTimes"), ",") .Range("AD" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(0), ":")(1)) .Range("AE" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(1), ":")(1)) .Range("AF" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(2), ":")(1)) .Range("AG" & fD) = Trim(Split(cet(3), ":")(1)) End With End Sub Function getString(path As String) Dim objStream As Object Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream .Charset = "UTF-8" .Open .LoadFromFile path getString = .readtext .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Function