

Area | Product1 | Product2 | Product3 | sales|sales.Value| sales |sales.Value | sales |sales.Value Location1 | 20 | 20000 | 25 | 10000 | 200 | 100 Location2 | 30 | 30000 | 3 | 12300 | 213 | 10 

产品名称是给定月份的1000个左右区域的两个“销售量”和“销售价值”两个单元的合并。 同样,过去5年每个月都有单独的文件。 此外,新产品已在不同月份添加和删除。 所以不同的月份文件可能如下所示:

  Area | Product1 | Product4 | Product3 

论坛是否可以build议使用pandas阅读这些数据的最佳方式? 由于每个月的产品栏目不同,我无法使用索引


  Area | Product1.sales|Product1.sales.Value| Product2.sales |Product2.sales.Value | Location1 | 20 | 20000 | 25 | 10000 | Location2 | 30 | 30000 | 3 | 12300 | 

 import pandas as pd xl_file = read_excel("file path", skiprow=2, sheetname=0) /* since the first two rows are always blank */ 0 1 2 3 4 0 NaN NaN NaN Auto loan NaN 1 Branch Code Branch Name Region No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding 2 3000 Name1 Central 0 0 3 3001 Name2 Central 0 0 

我想把它转换成Auto loan.No of accountAuto loan.Portfolio OutstandingAuto loan.Portfolio Outstanding的标题。


 import numpy as np import pandas as pd nan = np.nan df = pd.DataFrame([ (nan, nan, nan, 'Auto loan', nan) , ('Branch Code', 'Branch Name', 'Region', 'No of accounts' , 'Portfolio Outstanding') , (3000, 'Name1', 'Central', 0, 0) , (3001, 'Name2', 'Central', 0, 0) ]) 


  0 1 2 3 4 0 NaN NaN NaN Auto loan NaN 1 Branch Code Branch Name Region No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding 2 3000 Name1 Central 0 0 3 3001 Name2 Central 0 0 


 df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna(method='ffill', axis=1) 


 df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna('') 

现在join两行. 并将其分配为列级别值:

 df.columns = df.iloc[0:2].apply(lambda x: '.'.join([y for y in x if y]), axis=0) 


 df = df.iloc[2:] 


  Branch Code Branch Name Region Auto loan.No of accounts \ 2 3000 Name1 Central 0 3 3001 Name2 Central 0 Auto loan.Portfolio Outstanding 2 0 3 0 


 import numpy as np import pandas as pd nan = np.nan df = pd.DataFrame([ (nan, nan, nan, 'Auto loan', nan) , ('Branch Code', 'Branch Name', 'Region', 'No of accounts' , 'Portfolio Outstanding') , (3000, 'Name1', 'Central', 0, 0) , (3001, 'Name2', 'Central', 0, 0) ]) df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna(method='ffill', axis=1) df.iloc[0:2] = df.iloc[0:2].fillna('Area') df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( zip(*df.iloc[0:2].to_records(index=False).tolist())) df = df.iloc[2:] 


  Area Auto loan Branch Code Branch Name Region No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding 2 3000 Name1 Central 0 0 3 3001 Name2 Central 0 0 


 In [275]: df.columns Out[275]: MultiIndex(levels=[[u'Area', u'Auto loan'], [u'Branch Code', u'Branch Name', u'No of accounts', u'Portfolio Outstanding', u'Region']], labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 4, 2, 3]]) 

该列有两个级别。 第一层[u'Area', u'Auto loan'] ,第二层[u'Branch Code', u'Branch Name', u'No of accounts', u'Portfolio Outstanding', u'Region']


 print(df.loc[:, ('Area', 'Branch Name')]) # 2 Name1 # 3 Name2 # Name: (Area, Branch Name), dtype: object print(df.loc[:, ('Auto loan', 'No of accounts')]) # 2 0 # 3 0 # Name: (Auto loan, No of accounts), dtype: object 

使用MultiIndex的一个优点是您可以轻松select具有特定级别值的所有列。 例如,要select与Auto loans的子DataFrame,您可以使用:

 In [279]: df.loc[:, 'Auto loan'] Out[279]: No of accounts Portfolio Outstanding 2 0 0 3 0 0 

有关从MultiIndex中select行和列的更多信息,请参阅使用切片器的MultiIndexing 。

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