


T-Class <00.5 <01.0 ZIP 0 1375.0 762.0 1 2177.0 913.0 


 ZIP <00.5 <01.0 0 1375 762 1 2177 913 


 writer = pd.ExcelWriter('data.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='pivottable',header = True,index=True) 


现在我回到pandas数据框的数据透视表导出主题,我发现一个更好的出口库。 Openpyxl! 使用openpyxl可以打开预定义的excel模板,把你的数据框数据写在一个预定义好的台式机下面,这样就不需要处理不必要的xlsxwriter错误。 以下是openpyxl中的示例代码:

 import openpyxl from openpyxl import load_workbook = 0 worksheet = worksheet.title = 'XYZ' #check length of df depth_df_2 = len(merged_plz_all) #call special method to comfortably write the dataframe below your #predefined header update_range(,merged_plz_all,cell_range = 'A18:'+str(spaltenindex[len(merged_plz_all.columns)])+str(depth_df_2+17))'yourNicelyLookingPivotTable.xlsx') 

这里是我在另一个stackoverflow线程find所需的update_range方法。 不幸的是我没有书签,所以我要求原谅没有提供update_range方法的起源。 我个人觉得这个方法应该是图书馆openpyxl本身的一部分!

 def update_range(worksheet, data, cell_range=None, named_range=None): """ Updates an excel worksheet with the given data. :param worksheet: an excel worksheet :param data: data used to update the worksheet cell range (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.Dataframe) :param cell_range: a string representing the cell range, eg 'AB12:XX23' :param named_range: a string representing an excel named range """ def clean_data(data): if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError('Invalid data, data should be an array type iterable.') if not len(data): raise ValueError('You need to provide data to update the cells') if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = data.values elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = np.array(data) return np.hstack(data) def clean_cells(worksheet, cell_range, named_range): # check that we can access a cell range if not any((cell_range, named_range) or all((cell_range, named_range))): raise ValueError('`cell_range` or `named_range` should be provided.') # get the cell range if cell_range: try: cells = np.hstack(worksheet[cell_range]) except (CellCoordinatesException, AttributeError): raise ValueError('The cell range provided is invalid, cell range must be in the form XX--[:YY--]') else: try: cells = worksheet.get_named_range(named_range) except (TypeError): raise ValueError('The current worksheet {} does not contain any named range {}.'.format( worksheet.title, named_range)) # checking that we have cells to update, and data if not len(cells): raise ValueError('You need to provide cells to update.') return cells cells = clean_cells(worksheet, cell_range, named_range) data = clean_data(data) # check that the data has the same dimension as cells if len(cells) != data.size: raise ValueError('Cells({}) should have the same dimension as the data({}).'.format(len(cells), data.size)) for i, cell in enumerate(cells): cell.value = data[i]