在OPENQUERY中使用UNION子句用VBA查询Oracle Linked Server

我相当新的SQL和VBA。 我正尝试使用VBA中的OPENQUERY执行以下Oracle SQL查询来查询链接服务器:

with untagged_affiliates as ( select ife.entityid, 'Untagged affiliate' as TYPE_CHANGE, to_number( case when IFE.OLDVALUE is not null then EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(IFE.OLDVALUE), '/DocumentElement/ORG_AFFILIATIONS/AFFILIATED_ORGID') else null end) as RELATED_ID, ife.analystuserid as ANALYST, ife.auditdatetime from ife.audittrail ife where IFE.ATTRIBUTEID = 314 and ife.newvalue is null and ife.oldvalue is not null and ife.AUDITDATETIME between TO_DATE('27/11/2016 00:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') and TO_DATE('03/12/2016 23:59:59 ','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') ), untagged_unv_subs as ( select to_number(ife.oldvalue) as EntityID, 'Untagged Unverified Sub' as TYPE_CHANGE, ife.entityid as RELATED_ID, ife.analystuserid as ANALYST, ife.auditdatetime from ife.audittrail ife left join oa.organizations o on ife.entityid = o.orgid where IFE.ATTRIBUTEID = 268 and ife.newvalue is null and ife.oldvalue is not null and o.org_is_verified = 0 and o.org_immediate_parent_orgid is null and ife.AUDITDATETIME between TO_DATE('27/11/2016 00:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') and TO_DATE('03/12/2016 23:59:59 ','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') ), union_queries as ( select * from untagged_affiliates union select * from untagged_unv_subs ) select uq.*, case when (L.LOCATION_NAME = 'Bangalore') then 'BLR' when (L.LOCATION_NAME = 'Beijing' or L.LOCATION_NAME = 'Singapore') then 'Asia' when (L.LOCATION_NAME = 'Gdansk' or L.LOCATION_NAME = 'Nicosia') then 'EMEA' else 'Other' end as REGION, C.COUNTRYDESC, u.USERID, u.username as ANALYST from union_queries uq left join oa.organizations o on uq.entityid = o.orgid left join admin.USERS U on UQ.ANALYST = U.USERID inner join admin.USERSUSERGROUPS ug on u.userid = ug.userid and ug.groupcode in (1,2,4,29,30,31,34,42,43,45,46,55,56) left join DOMAINS.COUNTRYCODES C on coalesce(o.org_country_of_domicile,o.org_country_of_incorporation) = C.COUNTRYCODE left join domains.TR_LOCATIONS l on u.PRIMARYLOCATION = l.LOCATION_ID 


 'SQL_String = "select * from openquery([OA],'with " & _ '"untagged_affiliates as (select ife.entityid, to_number( case when IFE.OLDVALUE is not null then EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype(IFE.OLDVALUE), ''/DocumentElement/ORG_AFFILIATIONS/AFFILIATED_ORGID'') else null end) as RELATED_ID, ife.analystuserid as ANALYST, ife.auditdatetime from ife.audittrail ife where IFE.ATTRIBUTEID = 314 and ife.newvalue is null and ife.oldvalue is not null and ife.AUDITDATETIME between TO_DATE(''" & from_date_string & " 00:00:00'',''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') and TO_DATE(''" & to_date_string & " 23:59:59 '',''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') ), " & _ '"untagged_unv_subs as (select to_number(ife.oldvalue) as EntityID, ife.entityid as RELATED_ID, ife.analystuserid as ANALYST, ife.auditdatetime from ife.audittrail ife left join oa.organizations o on ife.entityid = o.orgid where IFE.ATTRIBUTEID = 268 and ife.newvalue is null and ife.oldvalue is not null and o.org_is_verified = 0 and o.org_immediate_parent_orgid is null and ife.AUDITDATETIME between TO_DATE(''" & from_date_string & " 00:00:00'',''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') and TO_DATE(''" & to_date_string & " 23:59:59 '',''dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'') ), " & _ '"union_queries as (select * from untagged_affiliates union select * from untagged_unv_subs ) select uq.*, case when (L.LOCATION_NAME = ''Bangalore'') then ''BLR'' when (L.LOCATION_NAME = ''Beijing'' or L.LOCATION_NAME = ''Singapore'') then ''Asia'' when (L.LOCATION_NAME = ''Gdansk'' or L.LOCATION_NAME = ''Nicosia'') then ''EMEA'' else ''Other'' end as REGION, C.COUNTRYDESC, u.USERID, u.username as ANALYST " & _ '"from union_queries uq left join oa.organizations o on uq.entityid = o.orgid left join admin.USERS U on UQ.ANALYST = U.USERID inner join admin.USERSUSERGROUPS ug on u.userid = ug.userid and ug.groupcode in (1,2,4,29,30,31,34,42,43,45,46,55,56) left join DOMAINS.COUNTRYCODES C on coalesce(o.org_country_of_domicile,o.org_country_of_incorporation) = C.COUNTRYCODE left join domains.TR_LOCATIONS l on u.PRIMARYLOCATION = l.LOCATION_ID')" 'recset.Open SQL_String, con 'ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Untagged").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset recset 

从这里,我得到以下错误: 在这里输入图像描述

因此,我想我不能做一个单一的查询,其中两个表具有相同名称的列,他们使用它们的联合。 但是,如果我不能将ANALYST列分配到同一个名称,我该如何统一表格呢?