
我是PHP新手。 我只是想导出数据(我从查询数据库中得到的search结果)为excel。 我的问题是在Excel中的数据会自动改变一个新的行。 我想要'cn''ai'…在下一列,但不是下一行。

我已经删除了所有$csv_output .= "\r"; 在我的代码。 所以我可能会有一些错误的查询语句:

 $searchp = " select * from insecticide a LEFT JOIN crop b ON a.ID = b.ID where a.Pestcide_trade_name like'%$tn%' and a.Pestcide_trade_name like'%$tn2%' and b.Crops like'%$crops%' and b.Crops like'%$crops2%' and a.AMW like'%$amw%' and b.Pests like'%$pest%' and a.Company_name like'%$cn%' and a.Company_name like'%$cn2%' and a.Active_ingredient like'%$ai%' and a.Active_ingredient like'%$ai2%' and a.PPE like'%$ppe%' and a.PPE like'%$ppe2%' and a.MMW like'%$mmw%' and a.EH like'%$eh%' and b.REI like'%$rei%' and b.REI like'%$rei2%' ORDER BY a.Pestcide_trade_name ASC" 

我是PHP和MySQL的新手。 请给我一些关于这个问题的提示。 谢谢!

 <?php require_once("db.php"); $tn = $_POST['TN']?$_POST['TN']:''; $tn2 = $_POST['TN2']?$_POST['TN2']:''; $cn = $_POST['CN']?$_POST['CN']:''; $cn2 = $_POST['CN2']?$_POST['CN2']:''; $ai = $_POST['AI']?$_POST['AI']:''; $ai2 = $_POST['AI2']?$_POST['AI2']:''; $ppe = $_POST['PPE']?$_POST['PPE']:''; $ppe2 = $_POST['PPE2']?$_POST['PPE2']:''; $amw = $_POST['AMW']?$_POST['AMW']:''; $mmw = $_POST['MMW']?$_POST['MMW']:''; $eh = $_POST['EH']?$_POST['EH']:''; $crops = $_POST['Crops']?$_POST['Crops']:''; $crops2 = $_POST['Crop2']?$_POST['Crop2']:''; $rei = $_POST['REI']?$_POST['REI']:''; $rei2 = $_POST['REI2']?$_POST['REI2']:''; $pest = $_POST['PEST']?$_POST['PEST']:''; $rate = $_POST['RATE']?$_POST['RATE']:''; $note = $_POST['Note']?$_POST['Note']:''; $restrictions = $_POST['Restrictions']?$_POST['Restrictions']:''; $searchp = "select * from insecticide a LEFT JOIN crop b ON a.ID = b.ID where a.Pestcide_trade_name like'%$tn%' and a.Pestcide_trade_name like'%$tn2%' and b.Crops like'%$crops%' and b.Crops like'%$crops2%' and a.AMW like'%$amw%' and b.Pests like'%$pest%' and a.Company_name like'%$cn%' and a.Company_name like'%$cn2%' and a.Active_ingredient like'%$ai%' and a.Active_ingredient like'%$ai2%' and a.PPE like'%$ppe%' and a.PPE like'%$ppe2%' and a.MMW like'%$mmw%' and a.EH like'%$eh%' and b.REI like'%$rei%' and b.REI like'%$rei2%' ORDER BY a.Pestcide_trade_name ASC"; $result=mysql_query($searchp)or die(mysql_error()); $num=mysql_numrows($result); mysql_close(); $csv_output = '"Trade name","Company Name","Active Ingredient","PPE","Applicators Must Wear","Mixers Must Wear","Environmental Hazards","CROPS","REI","PEST","RATE","RATE","NOTE","RESTRICTION"\N'; $i=0; while ($i < $num) { $tn1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Pestcide_trade_name"); $cn1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Company_name"); $ai1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Active_ingredient"); $ppe1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"PPE"); $amw1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"AMW"); $mmw1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"MMW"); $eh1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"EH"); $crop1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Crops"); $rei1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"REI"); $pest1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Pests"); $rate1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Rate_FL_OZ_ARCE"); $rate11 = mysql_result($result,$i,"RATE_LB_ARCE"); $note1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Note"); $restrictions1 = mysql_result($result,$i,"Restrictions"); $csv_output .= "$tn1"; $csv_output .="$cn1"; $csv_output .="$ai1"; $csv_output .= "$ppe1"; $csv_output .="$amw1"; $csv_output .= "$mmw1"; $csv_output .= "$eh1"; $csv_output .= "$crop1"; $csv_output .= "$rei1"; $csv_output .= "$pest1"; $csv_output .= "$rate1"; $csv_output .= "$rate11"; $csv_output .= "$note1"; $csv_output .= "$restrictions1"; $csv_output .= "\n"; ++$i; } $filename = "results_".date("Ym-d_H-i",time()); header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel"); header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Ymd") . ".csv"); header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv"); print $csv_output; exit; ?> 

不要自己编写CSV代码。 请参阅: http : //php.net/manual/en/function.fputcsv.php

此外,你缺less分隔符…但不要修复这个代码。 重构它。


  $csv_output .= '"' . $tn1 . '",'; $csv_output .= '"' . $cn1 . '",'; // etc.