使用中间处理从MS Excel导出到MS Access

我有一个以Excel(.XLS)格式生成报告的应用程序。 我需要将这些报告中的数据追加到MS Access 2010数据库中的现有表中。 典型的logging是:

INC000000004154 Closed Cbeebies BBC Childrens HQ6 monitor wall dropping out. HQ6 P3 3/7/2013 7:03:01 PM 3/7/2013 7:03:01 PM 3/7/2013 7:14:15 PM The root cause of the problem was the power supply to the PC which was feeding the monitor. HQ6 Monitor wall dropping out. BBC Third Party Contractor supply this equipment. 

复杂的是,我需要对数据做一些有限的处理。 即



现在我可以使用XLRD / XLWT在Python中执行此操作,但是更愿意在Excel或Access中执行此操作。 有没有人有任何build议的方法来解决这个问题? 我非常希望不要使用VBA,所以我可以做一些事情,如logging一个MS Excelmacros,然后在新创build的XLS文件上执行该macros?

您可以直接导入一些Excel数据到MS Access,但是如果您的要求是做一些处理,因为那么我没有看到你将无法实现,如果没有:

  • 像Pentaho或Talend或其他 ETL应用程序。 那肯定就像用锤子砸一只ant一样。

  • 一些其他的外部数据处理pipe道,在Python或其他一些编程语言。

  • VBA(通过macros或手编码)。 VBA在Access中做了几十年的工作确实非常出色。

  • 只要使用查询:
    将数据不经转换地导入到唯一目的是容纳Excel中的数据的表中; 那么您可以从该原始数据创build查询以添加缺less的信息,并在将结果附加到最终的目标表之前对数据进行处理。

前一段时间我问过这个问题,并决定在Python中执行它会更容易一些。 戈德问我要分享一下,这里是(抱歉拖延,其他项目优先了一段时间)。

 """ Routine to migrate the S7 data from MySQL to the new Access database. We're using the pyodbc libraries to connect to Microsoft Access Note that there are 32- and 64-bit versions of these libraries available but in order to work the word-length for pyodbc and by implication Python and all its associated compiled libraries must match that of MS Access. Which is an arse as I've just had to delete my 64-bit installation of Python and replace it and all the libraries with the 32-bit version. Tim Greening-Jackson 08 May 2013 (timATgreening-jackson.com) """ import pyodbc import re import datetime import tkFileDialog from Tkinter import * class S7Incident: """ Class containing the records downloaded from the S7.INCIDENTS table """ def __init__(self, id_incident, priority, begin, acknowledge, diagnose, workaround,fix, handoff, lro, nlro, facility, ctas, summary, raised, code): self.id_incident=unicode(id_incident) self.priority = {u'P1':1, u'P2':2, u'P3':3, u'P4':4, u'P5':5} [unicode(priority.upper())] self.begin = begin self.acknowledge = acknowledge self.diagnose = diagnose self.workaround = workaround self.fix = fix self.handoff = True if handoff else False self.lro = True if lro else False self.nlro = True if nlro else False self.facility = unicode(facility) self.ctas = ctas self.summary = "** NONE ***" if type(summary) is NoneType else summary.replace("'","") self.raised = raised.replace("'","") self.code = 0 if code is None else code self.production = None self.dbid = None def __repr__(self): return "[{}] ID:{} P{} Prod:{} Begin:{} A:{} D:+{}s W:+{}s F:+{}s\nH/O:{} LRO:{} NLRO:{} Facility={} CTAS={}\nSummary:'{}',Raised:'{}',Code:{}".format( self.id_incident,self.dbid, self.priority, self.production, self.begin, self.acknowledge, self.diagnose, self.workaround, self.fix, self.handoff, self.lro, self.nlro, self.facility, self.ctas, self.summary, self.raised, self.code) def ProcessIncident(self, cursor, facilities, productions): """ Produces the SQL necessary to insert the incident in to the Access database, executes it and then gets the autonumber ID (dbid) of the newly created incident (this is used so LRO, NRLO CTAS and AD1 can refer to their parent incident. If the incident is classed as LRO, NLRO, CTAS then the appropriate record is created. Returns the dbid. """ if self.raised.upper() in productions: self.production = productions[self.raised.upper()] else: self.production = 0 sql="""INSERT INTO INCIDENTS (ID_INCIDENT, PRIORITY, FACILITY, BEGIN, ACKNOWLEDGE, DIAGNOSE, WORKAROUND, FIX, HANDOFF, SUMMARY, RAISED, CODE, PRODUCTION) VALUES ('{}', {}, {}, #{}#, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, '{}', '{}', {}, {}) """.format(self.id_incident, self.priority, facilities[self.facility], self.begin, self.acknowledge, self.diagnose, self.workaround, self.fix, self.handoff, self.summary, self.raised, self.code, self.production) cursor.execute(sql) cursor.execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY") self.dbid = cursor.fetchone()[0] if self.lro: self.ProcessLRO(cursor, facilities[self.facility]) if self.nlro: self.ProcessNLRO(cursor, facilities[self.facility]) if self.ctas: self.ProcessCTAS(cursor, facilities[self.facility], self.ctas) return self.dbid def ProcessLRO(self, cursor, facility): sql = "INSERT INTO LRO (PID, DURATION, FACILITY) VALUES ({}, {}, {})"\ .format(self.dbid, self.workaround, facility) cursor.execute(sql) def ProcessNLRO(self, cursor, facility): sql = "INSERT INTO NLRO (PID, DURATION, FACILITY) VALUES ({}, {}, {})"\ .format(self.dbid, self.workaround, facility) cursor.execute(sql) def ProcessCTAS(self, cursor, facility, code): sql = "INSERT INTO CTAS (PID, DURATION, FACILITY, CODE) VALUES ({}, {}, {}, {})"\ .format(self.dbid, self.workaround, facility, self.ctas) cursor.execute(sql) class S7AD1: """ S7.AD1 records. """ def __init__(self, id_ad1, date, ref, commentary, adjustment): self.id_ad1 = id_ad1 self.date = date self.ref = unicode(ref) self.commentary = unicode(commentary) self.adjustment = float(adjustment) self.pid = 0 self.production = 0 def __repr__(self): return "[{}] Date:{} Parent:{} PID:{} Amount:{} Commentary: {} "\ .format(self.id_ad1, self.date.strftime("%d/%m/%y"), self.ref, self.pid, self.adjustment, self.commentary) def SetPID(self, pid): self.pid = pid def SetProduction(self, p): self.production = p def Process(self, cursor): sql = "INSERT INTO AD1 (pid, begin, commentary, production, adjustment) VALUES ({}, #{}#, '{}', {}, {})"\ .format(self.pid, self.date.strftime("%d/%m/%y"), self.commentary, self.production, self.adjustment) cursor.execute(sql) class S7Financial: """ S7 monthly financial summary of income and penalties from S7.FINANCIALS table. These are identical in the new database """ def __init__(self, month, year, gco, cta, support, sc1, sc2, sc3, ad1): self.begin = datetime.date(year, month, 1) self.gco = float(gco) self.cta = float(cta) self.support = float(support) self.sc1 = float(sc1) self.sc2 = float(sc2) self.sc3 = float(sc3) self.ad1 = float(ad1) def __repr__(self): return "Period: {} GCO:{:.2f} CTA:{:.2f} SUP:{:.2f} SC1:{:.2f} SC2:{:.2f} SC3:{:.2f} AD1:{:.2f}"\ .format(self.start.strftime("%m/%y"), self.gco, self.cta, self.support, self.sc1, self.sc2, self.sc3, self.ad1) def Process(self, cursor): """ Insert in to FINANCIALS table """ sql = "INSERT INTO FINANCIALS (BEGIN, GCO, CTA, SUPPORT, SC1, SC2, SC3, AD1) VALUES (#{}#, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {},{})"\ .format(self.begin, self.gco, self.cta, self.support, self.sc1, self.sc2, self.sc3, self.ad1) cursor.execute(sql) class S7SC3: """ Miscellaneous S7 SC3 stuff. The new table is identical to the old one. """ def __init__(self, begin, month, year, p1ot, p2ot, totchg, succchg, chgwithinc, fldchg, egychg): self.begin = begin self.p1ot = p1ot self.p2ot = p2ot self.changes = totchg self.successful = succchg self.incidents = chgwithinc self.failed = fldchg self.emergency = egychg def __repr__(self): return "{} P1:{} P2:{} CHG:{} SUC:{} INC:{} FLD:{} EGY:{}"\ .format(self.period.strftime("%m/%y"), self.p1ot, self.p1ot, self.changes, self.successful, self.incidents, self.failed, self.emergency) def Process(self, cursor): """ Inserts a record in to the Access database """ sql = "INSERT INTO SC3 (BEGIN, P1OT, P2OT, CHANGES, SUCCESSFUL, INCIDENTS, FAILED, EMERGENCY) VALUES\ (#{}#, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {})"\ .format(self.begin, self.p1ot, self.p2ot, self.changes, self.successful, self.incidents, self.failed, self.emergency) cursor.execute(sql) def ConnectToAccessFile(): """ Prompts the user for an Access database file, connects, creates a cursor, cleans out the tables which are to be replaced, gets a hash of the facilities table keyed on facility name returning facility id """ # Prompts the user to select which Access DB file he wants to use and then attempts to connect root = Tk() dbname = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(parent=root, title="Select output database", filetypes=[('Access 2010', '*.accdb')]) root.destroy() # Connect to the Access (new) database and clean its existing incidents etc. tables out as # these will be replaced with the new data dbcxn = pyodbc.connect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ="+dbname+";") dbcursor=dbcxn.cursor() print("Connected to {}".format(dbname)) for table in ["INCIDENTS", "AD1", "LRO", "NLRO", "CTAS", "SC3", "PRODUCTIONS", "FINANCIALS"]: print("Clearing table {}...".format(table)) dbcursor.execute("DELETE * FROM {}".format(table)) # Get the list of facilities from the Access database... dbcursor.execute("SELECT id, facility FROM facilities") rows = dbcursor.fetchall() dbfacilities = {unicode(row[1]):row[0] for row in rows} return dbcxn, dbcursor, dbfacilities # Entry point incre = re.compile("INC\d{12}[AZ]?") # Regex that matches incident references try: dbcxn, dbcursor, dbfacilities = ConnectToAccessFile() # Connect to the MySQL S7 (old) database and read the incidents and ad1 tables s7cxn = pyodbc.connect("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=s7; UID=root; PASSWORD=********; OPTION=3") print("Connected to MySQL S7 database") s7cursor = s7cxn.cursor() s7cursor.execute(""" SELECT id_incident, priority, begin, acknowledge, diagnose, workaround, fix, handoff, lro, nlro, facility, ctas, summary, raised, code FROM INCIDENTS""") rows = s7cursor.fetchall() # Discard any incidents which don't have a reference of the form INC... as they are ancient print("Fetching incidents") s7incidents = {unicode(row[0]):S7Incident(*row) for row in rows if incre.match(row[0])} # Get the list of productions from the S7 database to replace the one we've just deleted ... print("Fetching productions") s7cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT RAISED FROM INCIDENTS") rows = s7cursor.fetchall() s7productions = [r[0] for r in rows] # ... now get the AD1s ... print("Fetching AD1s") s7cursor.execute("SELECT id_ad1, date, ref, commentary, adjustment from AD1") rows = s7cursor.fetchall() s7ad1s = [S7AD1(*row) for row in rows] # ... and the financial records ... print("Fetching Financials") s7cursor.execute("SELECT month, year, gco, cta, support, sc1, sc2, sc3, ad1 FROM Financials") rows = s7cursor.fetchall() s7financials = [S7Financial(*row) for row in rows] print("Writing financials ({})".format(len(s7financials))) [p.Process(dbcursor) for p in s7financials] # ... and the SC3s. print("Fetching SC3s") s7cursor.execute("SELECT begin, month, year, p1ot, p2ot, totchg, succhg, chgwithinc, fldchg, egcychg from SC3") rows = s7cursor.fetchall() s7sc3s = [S7SC3(*row) for row in rows] print("Writing SC3s ({})".format(len(s7sc3s))) [p.Process(dbcursor) for p in s7sc3s] # Re-create the productions table in the new database. Note we refer to production # by number in the incidents table so need to do the SELECT @@IDENTITY to give us the # autonumber index. To make sure everything is case-insensitive convert the # hash keys to UPPERCASE. dbproductions = {} print("Writing productions ({})".format(len(s7productions))) for p in sorted(s7productions): dbcursor.execute("INSERT INTO PRODUCTIONS (PRODUCTION) VALUES ('{}')".format(p)) dbcursor.execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY") dbproductions[p.upper()] = dbcursor.fetchone()[0] # Now process the incidents etc. that we have retrieved from the S7 database print("Writing incidents ({})".format(len(s7incidents))) [s7incidents[k].ProcessIncident(dbcursor, dbfacilities, dbproductions) for k in sorted(s7incidents)] # Match the new parent incident IDs in the AD1s and then write to the new table. Some # really old AD1s don't have the parent incident reference in the REF field, it is just # mentioned SOMEWHERE in the commentary. So if the REF field doesn't match then do a # re.search (not re.match!) for it. It isn't essential to match these older AD1s with # their parent incident, but it is quite useful (and tidy). print("Matching and writing AD1s".format(len(s7ad1s))) for a in s7ad1s: if a.ref in s7incidents: a.SetPID(s7incidents[a.ref].dbid) a.SetProduction(s7incidents[a.ref].production) else: z=incre.search(a.commentary) if z and z.group() in s7incidents: a.SetPID(s7incidents[z.group()].dbid) a.SetProduction(s7incidents[z.group()].production) a.Process(dbcursor) print("Comitting changes") dbcursor.commit() finally: print("Closing databases") dbcxn.close() s7cxn.close() 

事实certificate,该文件有更多的复杂的方面的数据,这将需要一定程度的处理,这是一个在Excel中很痛苦,但在Python中简单。 因此,我将重新使用一些使用XLWT / XLRD库的Python 2.x脚本来构build电子表格。