Microsoft Excel数据连接 – 通过VBA更改连接string

我有一个相当直接的问题。 我想通过VBA(macros代码)find一种方法来更改和更改Excel工作簿中的现有数据连接的连接string。 我试图做到这一点的主要原因是find一种方法来提示打开工作簿的用户input他们的凭证(用户名/密码),或者在可用连接string中使用可信任连接的checkbox数据连接。


现在,数据连接运行的是我创build的示例用户,并且需要在生产版本的工作簿中消失。 希望有道理?

这可能吗? 如果是,请给我一个示例代码块? 我真的很感谢在这一点上的任何build议。

我也有这个完全相同的要求,虽然重复的问题Excelmacros来改变外部数据查询连接 – 例如从一个数据库指向另一个是有用的,我仍然不得不修改它以满足上述确切的要求。 我正在使用特定的连接,而这个答案针对多个连接。 所以,我在这里包括了我的工作。 感谢@Rory的代码。

还要感谢Luke Maxwell为他的functionsearch匹配关键字的string 。


 Sub GetConnectionUserPassword() Dim Username As String, Password As String Dim ConnectionString As String Dim MsgTitle As String MsgTitle = "My Credentials" If vbOK = MsgBox("You will be asked for your username and password.", vbOKCancel, MsgTitle) Then Username = InputBox("Username", MsgTitle) If Username = "" Then GoTo Cancelled Password = InputBox("Password", MsgTitle) If Password = "" Then GoTo Cancelled Else GoTo Cancelled End If ConnectionString = GetConnectionString(Username, Password) ' MsgBox ConnectionString, vbOKOnly UpdateQueryConnectionString ConnectionString MsgBox "Credentials Updated", vbOKOnly, MsgTitle Exit Sub Cancelled: MsgBox "Credentials have not been changed.", vbOKOnly, MsgTitle End Sub 

GetConnectionString函数存储您插入用户名和密码的连接string。 这是一个OLEDB连接,根据提供商的要求,显然是不同的。

 Function GetConnectionString(Username As String, Password As String) Dim result As Variant result = "OLEDB;Provider=Your Provider;Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DATABASE" _ & ";User ID=" & Username & ";Password=" & Password & _ ";Persist Security Info=True;Extended Properties=" _ & Chr(34) & "PORT=1706;LOG=ON;CASEINSENSITIVEFIND=ON;INCLUDECALCFIELDS=ON;" & Chr(34) ' MsgBox result, vbOKOnly GetConnectionString = result End Function 


 Sub UpdateQueryConnectionString(ConnectionString As String) Dim cn As WorkbookConnection Dim oledbCn As OLEDBConnection Set cn = ThisWorkbook.Connections("Your Connection Name") Set oledbCn = cn.OLEDBConnection oledbCn.Connection = ConnectionString End Sub 


 Function ConnectionString() Dim Temp As String Dim cn As WorkbookConnection Dim oledbCn As OLEDBConnection Set cn = ThisWorkbook.Connections("Your Connection Name") Set oledbCn = cn.OLEDBConnection Temp = oledbCn.Connection ConnectionString = Temp End Function 

我打开工作簿时使用这个子刷新数据,但在刷新之前检查连接string中是否有用户名和密码。 我只是从私人小组Workbook_Open()调用这个子。

 Sub RefreshData() Dim CurrentCredentials As String Sheets("Sheetname").Unprotect Password:="mypassword" CurrentCredentials = ConnectionString() If ListSearch(CurrentCredentials, "None", "") > 0 Then GetConnectionUserPassword End If Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveWorkbook.Connections("My Connection Name").Refresh Sheets("Sheetname").Protect _ Password:="mypassword", _ UserInterfaceOnly:=True, _ AllowFiltering:=True, _ AllowSorting:=True, _ AllowUsingPivotTables:=True End Sub 

这是来自Luke的ListSearch函数。 它返回find的匹配数量。

 Function ListSearch(text As String, wordlist As String, seperator As String, Optional caseSensitive As Boolean = False) Dim intMatches As Integer Dim res As Variant Dim arrWords() As String intMatches = 0 arrWords = Split(wordlist, seperator) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear For Each word In arrWords If caseSensitive = False Then res = InStr(LCase(text), LCase(word)) Else res = InStr(text, word) End If If res > 0 Then intMatches = intMatches + 1 End If Next word ListSearch = intMatches End Function 


 Sub RemoveCredentials() Dim ConnectionString As String ConnectionString = GetConnectionString("None", "None") UpdateQueryConnectionString ConnectionString MsgBox "Credentials have been removed.", vbOKOnly, "Your Credentials" End Sub 


这是Excelmacros的一个副本, 用于更改外部数据查询连接 – 例如,从一个数据库指向另一个数据库
