
我在matlab中有一个代码。 运行我的程序后,创build了一个“example2.xlsx”文件。


e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % # open Activex server filename = fullfile(pwd,'example2.xlsx'); % # full path required ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); % # open the file esh = ewb.ActiveSheet; str = num2str(num_rows+1); esh.Range(strcat('J',str)).Interior.Color = clr; sheet1 = e.Worksheets.get('Item', 'Sheet1'); range1 = get(sheet1,'Range', strcat('A',str),strcat('I',str)); range1.Value = values{num_rows+1}; [num, txt, raw] = xlsread('example2.xlsx'); num_rows = length(num(:,1)); xlWorkbookDefault = 51; % # it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault) ewb.Close(false) e.Quit e.delete 



 e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % # open Activex server filename = fullfile(pwd,'example2.xlsx'); % # full path required ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); % # open the file esh = ewb.ActiveSheet; sheet1 = e.Worksheets.get('Item', 'Sheet1'); range1 = get(sheet1,'Range', 'A1'); range1.Value = 3; set(e, 'DisplayAlerts', 0); % # Stop dialog! xlWorkbookDefault = 51; % # it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault) ewb.Close(false) e.Quit e.delete