
我开发了一个在我的电脑上正常运行的macros。 但是,当我有预期的最终用户在他们的计算机上运行macros时,即使没有断点,它仍然在同一行代码中断开。 相关代码如下:

Function MMFProcessor(Source_Folder_Str As String, Input_File_Name As String, Output_Sheet As Worksheet, NPU As String, Prods As String, sw As StatWin, _ Processed_Members_Str As String, MbrRow_Dict() As String, FlgMeas() As String, Output_Sheet_Row As Long, Output_Mbr_Key_Col As String, Output_Name As String, _ Optional Ambetter As Boolean = False) As Variant() ' Dim Source_WB As Workbook Set Source_WB = Workbooks.Open(Source_Folder_Str & "\" & Input_File_Name & ".xlsx", , True) Dim Input_Mbr_Key_Col As String Dim Input_Product_Col As String Dim Input_SubMsr_Col As String Dim ret As Boolean ret = True Dim Return_Array(4) As Variant Dim Found As Boolean Dim Source_Col_Nbr As Integer Dim NumerCnt_Col As String Dim SourceFile_Col_Cnt As Long SourceFile_Col_Cnt = Count_Columns(Source_WB.Worksheets(1)) Dim Col_Str As String 'Set/Reset sw.Input_Sorted sw.Input_Sorted = False '*****THIS IS THE LINE THAT CATCHES********* If sw.Detailed_Log Then Call Update("Starting MMFProcessor. Inputs: Source_Folder_Str= " & Source_Folder_Str & "; Input_File_Name= '" & Input_File_Name & "'; Output_Sheet= '" & Output_Sheet.Name & _ "'; Output_Sheet_Row= '" & Output_Sheet_Row & "'; Mbr_Key_Col= '" & Output_Mbr_Key_Col & "'; Output_Name= '" & Output_Name & "'", 0, sw) End If 

Stat_Win是一个自定义的窗体,我把它们作为macros的状态窗口。 Input_Sortedvariables确实存在,是一个布尔值。 运行macros的其他人拥有相同版本的Excel,对所使用文件夹的访问权限,在我能想到的任何方面基本相同。


这听起来像是一场昏迷 。 这是对于那些解决scheme:

 Press "Debug" button in the popup. Press Ctrl+Pause|Break twice. Hit the play button to continue. Save the file after completion.