在jExcel API中创build多个工作表

如果一张纸张已满(65536 rows)我需要使用jExcel API在Java中创build多个Excel表格。 假设如果一张纸已满,然后在下一张纸上,它应该开始自动从第一张纸从停止的地方写入。 我只是坚持把逻辑放在一张纸满了的时候dynamic创build。 以下是我迄今为止所做的代码。

 public void write() throws IOException, WriteException { File file = new File(inputFile); WorkbookSettings wbSettings = new WorkbookSettings(); wbSettings.setLocale(new Locale("en", "EN")); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file, wbSettings); writingToExcel(workbook); } //Logic to create sheet dyanmically if one is full should be done here I guess? private void writingToExcel(WritableWorkbook workbook) { workbook.createSheet("Report", 0); WritableSheet excelSheet = workbook.getSheet(0); try { createLabel(excelSheet); createContent(excelSheet); } catch (WriteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { workbook.write(); workbook.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void createLabel(WritableSheet sheet) throws WriteException { WritableFont times10pt = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 10); times = new WritableCellFormat(times10pt); times.setWrap(true); WritableFont times10ptBoldUnderline = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 10, WritableFont.BOLD, false,UnderlineStyle.SINGLE); timesBoldUnderline = new WritableCellFormat(times10ptBoldUnderline); timesBoldUnderline.setWrap(true); CellView cv = new CellView(); cv.setFormat(times); cv.setFormat(timesBoldUnderline); cv.setAutosize(true); // Write a few headers addCaption(sheet, 0, 0, "Header 1"); addCaption(sheet, 1, 0, "This is another header"); } private void createContent(WritableSheet sheet) throws WriteException, RowsExceededException { for (int i = 1; i < 70000; i++) { addNumber(sheet, 0, i, i + 10); addNumber(sheet, 1, i, i * i); } } private void addCaption(WritableSheet sheet, int column, int row, String s) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { Label label; label = new Label(column, row, s, timesBoldUnderline); sheet.addCell(label); } private void addNumber(WritableSheet sheet, int column, int row, Integer integer) throws WriteException, RowsExceededException { Number number; number = new Number(column, row, integer, times); sheet.addCell(number); } 





 private void writingToExcel(WritableWorkbook workbook) { try { // don't create a sheet now, instead, pass it in the workbook createContent(workbook); } catch (WriteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { workbook.write(); workbook.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // instead of taking a sheet, take a workbook because we cannot ensure if the sheet can fit all the content at this point private void createContent(WritableWorkbook workbook) throws WriteException { int excelSheetIndex = 0; int rowIndex = 0; WritableSheet excelSheet = null; for (int i = 1; i < 70000; i++) { // if the sheet has hit the cap, then create a new sheet, new label row and reset the row count if (excelSheet == null || excelSheet.getRows() == 65536) { excelSheet = workbook.createSheet("Report " + excelSheetIndex, excelSheetIndex++); createLabel(excelSheet); rowIndex = 0; } // instead of using i for row, use rowIndex addNumber(excelSheet, 0, rowIndex, i + 10); addNumber(excelSheet, 1, rowIndex, i * i); // increment the sheet row rowIndex++; } } 

公共类DscMigration {

 private WritableCellFormat timesBoldUnderline; private WritableCellFormat times; private String inputFile; public void setOutputFile(String inputFile) { this.inputFile = inputFile; } public void write() throws IOException, WriteException { File file = new File(inputFile); WorkbookSettings wbSettings = new WorkbookSettings(); wbSettings.setLocale(new Locale("en", "EN")); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(file, wbSettings); workbook.createSheet("Report", 0); WritableSheet excelSheet = workbook.getSheet(0); createLabel(excelSheet); createContent(excelSheet); workbook.write(); workbook.close(); } private void createLabel(WritableSheet sheet) throws WriteException { // Lets create a times font WritableFont times10pt = new WritableFont(WritableFont.TIMES, 10); // Define the cell format times = new WritableCellFormat(times10pt); // Lets automatically wrap the cells times.setWrap(true); // Create create a bold font with unterlines WritableFont times10ptBoldUnderline = new WritableFont( WritableFont.TIMES, 10, WritableFont.BOLD, false, UnderlineStyle.SINGLE); timesBoldUnderline = new WritableCellFormat(times10ptBoldUnderline); // Lets automatically wrap the cells timesBoldUnderline.setWrap(true); CellView cv = new CellView(); cv.setFormat(times); // cv.setFormat(timesBoldUnderline); // cv.setFormat(cf) cv.setAutosize(true); // Write a few headers addCaption(sheet, 0, 0, "COM_ID"); addCaption(sheet, 1, 0, "OBJECTID"); addCaption(sheet, 2, 0, "GNOSISID"); } private void createContent(WritableSheet sheet) throws WriteException, RowsExceededException { /** * Create a new instance for cellDataList */ List<DataObj> cellDataListA = new ArrayList<DataObj>(); List<DataObj> nonDuplicateA = new ArrayList<DataObj>(); List<DataObj2> cellDataListB = new ArrayList<DataObj2>(); List<DataObj2> nonDuplicateB = new ArrayList<DataObj2>(); List<DataObj> nonDuplicateAB = new ArrayList<DataObj>(); List<DataObj> misMatchAB = new ArrayList<DataObj>(); List<DataObj> copyA = new ArrayList<DataObj>(); List<DataObj2> comID = new ArrayList<DataObj2>(); try { /** * Create a new instance for FileInputStream class */ // input1--> col1 -livelink id ; col2->livlink filename; col3-> gnosis id; col4-> filename FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream( "C:/Documents and Settings/nithya/Desktop/DSC/Report/input1.xls"); //input2 --> col1 comid all, col2 -> object id for common FileInputStream fileInputStream2 = new FileInputStream( "C:/Documents and Settings/nithya/Desktop/DSC/Report/input2.xls"); /** * Create a new instance for POIFSFileSystem class */ POIFSFileSystem fsFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(fileInputStream); POIFSFileSystem fsFileSystem2 = new POIFSFileSystem(fileInputStream2); /* * Create a new instance for HSSFWorkBook Class */ HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fsFileSystem); HSSFSheet hssfSheet = workBook.getSheetAt(0); HSSFWorkbook workBook2 = new HSSFWorkbook(fsFileSystem2); HSSFSheet hssfSheet2 = workBook2.getSheetAt(0); /** * Iterate the rows and cells of the spreadsheet to get all the * datas. */ Iterator rowIterator = hssfSheet.rowIterator(); Iterator rowIterator2 = hssfSheet2.rowIterator(); while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { HSSFRow hssfRow = (HSSFRow) rowIterator.next(); if ((hssfRow.getCell((short) 0) != null) && (hssfRow.getCell((short) 1) != null)) { cellDataListA.add(new DataObj(hssfRow.getCell((short) 0) .toString().trim(), hssfRow.getCell((short) 1) .toString().trim())); } if ((hssfRow.getCell((short) 2) != null) && (hssfRow.getCell((short) 3) != null)) { cellDataListB.add(new DataObj2(hssfRow.getCell((short) 2) .toString().trim(), hssfRow.getCell((short) 3) .toString().trim())); } } // Replace Duplicate in Livelink Startd Set set = new HashSet(); List newList = new ArrayList(); nonDuplicateA.addAll(cellDataListA); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateA.size(); i++) { DataObj b = nonDuplicateA.get(i); if (set.add(b.getCol1())) newList.add(nonDuplicateA.get(i)); } nonDuplicateA.clear(); nonDuplicateA.addAll(newList); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateA.size(); i++) { DataObj a = nonDuplicateA.get(i); } System.out.println("nonDuplicateA=="+nonDuplicateA.size()); // Replace Duplicate in Livelink End // Replace Duplicate in Gnosis Startd Set set2 = new HashSet(); List newList2 = new ArrayList(); System.out.println("cellDataListB=="+cellDataListB.size()); nonDuplicateB.addAll(cellDataListB); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateB.size(); i++) { DataObj2 b = nonDuplicateB.get(i); if (set2.add(b.getCol1())) newList2.add(nonDuplicateB.get(i)); } nonDuplicateB.clear(); nonDuplicateB.addAll(newList2); System.out.println("nonDuplicateB=="+nonDuplicateB.size()); // Replace Duplicate in Gnosis End // Common record //System.out.println("------Common----"); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateA.size(); i++) { DataObj a = nonDuplicateA.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < nonDuplicateB.size(); j++) { DataObj2 b = nonDuplicateB.get(j); if((a.getCol2()!=null && b.getCol2()!=null )){ //System.out.println("---------"); if (a.getCol2().equalsIgnoreCase(b.getCol2())) { // System.out.println(a.getCol2() +"--"+i+"--"+b.getCol2()); nonDuplicateAB.add(new DataObj(a.getCol1().toString() .trim(), b.getCol1().toString().trim())); //addLabel(sheet, 0, i, a.getCol1().toString().trim()); // addLabel(sheet, 1, i, b.getCol1().toString().trim()); break; } } } } System.out.println("nonDuplicateAB=="+nonDuplicateAB.size()); TreeMap misA = new TreeMap(); //System.out.println("------Missing----"); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateA.size(); i++) { DataObj a = nonDuplicateA.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < nonDuplicateB.size(); j++) { DataObj2 b = nonDuplicateB.get(j); if((a.getCol2()!=null && b.getCol2()!=null )){ if (!(a.getCol2().equals(b.getCol2()))) { //System.out.println(a.getCol1() +"="+b.getCol1()); //break; if(misA.containsValue(a.getCol2())){ misA.remove(a.getCol1()); } else { misA.put(a.getCol1(), a.getCol2()); } } } } } //System.out.println("SIze mis="+misA); TreeMap misB = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateB.size(); i++) { DataObj2 a = nonDuplicateB.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < nonDuplicateA.size(); j++) { DataObj b = nonDuplicateA.get(j); if((a.getCol2()!=null && b.getCol2()!=null )){ if (!(a.getCol2().equals(b.getCol2()))) { //System.out.println(a.getCol1() +"="+b.getCol1()); if(misB.containsValue(a.getCol2())){ misB.remove(a.getCol1()); } else { misB.put(a.getCol1(), a.getCol2()); } } } } } // System.out.println("SIze misB="+misB); //Getting ComID and Object Id from excel start while (rowIterator2.hasNext()) { HSSFRow hssfRow2 = (HSSFRow) rowIterator2.next(); if ((hssfRow2.getCell((short) 0) != null) && (hssfRow2.getCell((short) 1) != null)) { comID.add(new DataObj2(hssfRow2.getCell((short) 0) .toString().trim(), hssfRow2.getCell((short) 1) .toString().trim())); } } System.out.println("Size ComID="+comID.size()); TreeMap hm = new TreeMap(); System.out.println("Please wait...Data comparison.. "); for (int i = 0; i < nonDuplicateAB.size(); i++) { DataObj a = nonDuplicateAB.get(i); for(int j=0;j<comID.size();j++ ){ DataObj2 b = comID.get(j); //System.out.println((b.getCol2()+"---"+a.getCol1())); if(b.getCol2().equalsIgnoreCase(a.getCol1())){ hm.put(b.getCol1(), b.getCol2()); break; } } } System.out.println("Size HM="+hm.size()); //Getting ComID and Object Id from excel End //Data Base Updation Connection conn = null; try { DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()); conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@cxxxxx:5487:dev", "", ""); System.out.println("after calling conn"); Set set6 = hm.entrySet(); Iterator i = set6.iterator(); String gnosisNodeId=""; int update=1; while(i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry)i.next(); //System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": "); //System.out.println(me.getValue()); // System.out.println("nonDuplicateAB="+nonDuplicateAB.size()); for(int m=0;m<nonDuplicateAB.size();m++){ DataObj a = nonDuplicateAB.get(m); if(me.getValue().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(a.getCol1())){ gnosisNodeId=a.getCol2().toString(); nonDuplicateAB.remove(m); break; } } //System.out.println("nonDuplicateAB="+nonDuplicateAB.size()); if(gnosisNodeId!=null){ //System.out.println("LOOP"); String s1="UPDATE component SET com_xml = UPDATEXML(com_xml, '*/url/value/text()', '"; String s2="http://dmfwebtop65.pfizer.com/webtop/drl/objectId/"+gnosisNodeId; String s3="') where com_id="+me.getKey().toString().substring(1)+""; Statement stmt1=null; //http://dmfwebtop65.pfizer.com/webtop/drl/objectId/0901201b8239cefb try { String updateString1 = s1+s2+s3; stmt1 = conn.createStatement(); int rows =stmt1.executeUpdate(updateString1); if (rows>0) { addLabel(sheet, 0, update, me.getKey().toString().substring(1)); addLabel(sheet, 1, update, me.getValue().toString().substring(1)); addLabel(sheet, 2, update,gnosisNodeId ); update++; System.out.println("Update Success="+me.getKey().toString().substring(1)+ "-->" +me.getValue().toString().substring(1)); } else { System.out.println("Not Updated="+me.getKey().toString().substring(1)+ "-->" +me.getValue().toString().substring(1)); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("No Connect" + e); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error "+e.getMessage()); } } else{System.out.println("No gnosis id found for ObjectID="+me.getKey().toString().substring(1)); } }//While } //try catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }//Main try catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //method private void addCaption(WritableSheet sheet, int column, int row, String s) throws RowsExceededException, WriteException { Label label; label = new Label(column, row, s, timesBoldUnderline); sheet.addCell(label); } private void addNumber(WritableSheet sheet, int column, int row, Integer integer) throws WriteException, RowsExceededException { Number number; number = new Number(column, row, integer, times); sheet.addCell(number); } private void addLabel(WritableSheet sheet, int column, int row, String s) throws WriteException, RowsExceededException { Label label; label = new Label(column, row, s, times); sheet.addCell(label); } public static void main(String[] args) throws WriteException, IOException { DscMigration test = new DscMigration(); test.setOutputFile("C:/Documents and Settings/nithya/Desktop/DSC/Report/Mapping.xls"); test.write(); System.out .println("Please check the result file under C:/Documents and Settings/nithya/Desktop/DSC/Report/Report.xls "); } 

} XXXX内部使用基于WTTE-0043 ELC维护版本和Bug修复计划模板版本4.0生效date:2010年7月1日//错误修复计划

作者:1批准签名目录我已经撰写了这个可交付成果文件执行维护版本或错误修复项目的计划。 姓名date我已经撰写了此交付文件来logging执行XXX Plus v4.5的维护版本或错误修复的计划。 名称date

我批准这个变更,并同意这个logging代表了执行维护版本或错误修复的准确和完整的计划,并且完全支持这个项目的实施,testing和发布活动。 姓名date我已经查阅了这个logging的内容,发现它符合适用的BT合规要求。 名称date









