
我如何从excel2010获得无线电数值(true or false) ? 在java中,谢谢!

首先你必须下载Apache POI库。 那么你可以帮助下面给出的代码来实现你想要的。

 FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("d:/file.xls")); //Get the workbook instance for XLS file HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); //Get first sheet from the workbook HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); //Iterate through each rows from first sheet Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator(); while(rowIterator.hasNext()) { Row row = rowIterator.next(); //For each row, iterate through each columns Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); while(cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell cell = cellIterator.next(); switch(cell.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: System.out.print(cell.getBooleanCellValue() + "\t\t"); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: System.out.print(cell.getNumericCellValue() + "\t\t"); break; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: System.out.print(cell.getStringCellValue() + "\t\t"); break; } } System.out.println(""); } 


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