
如何使用INT公式在Excel中平均E列中的D行? (C3-B3)&“天”,&小时(C3-B3)&“小时”,&分钟(C3-B3)&“分钟和”&第二(C3-B3)& “秒”

ABCDE 1 Logged date Resolved date Resolution Time (Resolved date – Logged date) Average Resolution Time (D2 to D6 row) 2 20-12-15 16:09 01-06-16 16:42 164 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 0 seconds 3 23-12-15 11:56 01-05-16 16:50 130 days, 4 hours, 54 minutes and 0 seconds 4 28-12-15 12:25 01-05-16 16:47 125 days, 4 hours, 22 minutes and 0 seconds 5 30-12-15 10:06 01-02-16 17:37 33 days, 7 hours, 31 minutes and 0 seconds 6 30-12-15 10:06 01-04-16 17:06 93 days, 7 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds 


 =INT(AVERAGE(B2:B6-A2:A6)) & " days, " & HOUR(AVERAGE(B2:B6-A2:A6)) & " hours, " & MINUTE(AVERAGE(B2:B6-A2:A6)) & " minutes and " & SECOND(AVERAGE(B2:B6-A2:A6)) & " seconds" 

作为一个数组公式,在退出编辑模式时,需要使用Ctrl-Shift-Enter而不是Enter来确认。 如果正确完成,则Excel将在公式周围放置{}
