

If InStr(1, cell.Value, "/") > 1 Then cell.Replace "/", ", " End If 

现在我的理解是,如果“/”不止一次出现,它会继续,并用“,”代替。 然而,好像即使只有1个“/”它仍然执行replace。 我不是编码向导,但是看起来这个math有一点缺陷。 有谁知道可能是什么问题?


 Sub Title() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim rng As Range Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = ActiveSheet Dim cell As Range Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(2, 2), ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp)) For Each cell In rng If InStr(1, cell.Value, " ") > 0 Then cell.Value = " " & cell.Value & " " End If Next cell rng.Replace " ", " " 'Data Breakdown 'Remove phrases rng.Replace "at *", "" rng.Replace "We're *", "" rng.Replace "We are *", "" rng.Replace "we're *", "" rng.Replace "we are *", "" For Each cell In rng If (Len(myCell) - Len(Replace(myCell, "/", ""))) > 1 Then myCell = Replace(myCell.Text, "/", "") End If If InStr(1, cell.Value, " Manager of ") > 0 Then cell.Replace " Manager of ", " Manager, " End If Next cell rng.Replace " IT ", " IT, " rng.Replace " Manager ", " Manager, " Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 


 If (Len(myCell) - Len(Replace(myCell, "/", ""))) > 1 Then myCell = Replace(myCell.Text, "/", "") End If 



 For Each cell In rng If cell Like "*/*/*" Then cell.Replace "/", ", " ' * matches 0 or more characters Next cell 


 For Each cell In rng a = Split(cell, "/") If UBound(a) > 1 Then cell.Value = Join(a, ", ") Next cell 


 Set rng = Columns("F") ' the filter needs the first header cell rng.AutoFilter 1, "*/*/*" ' add Excel Data Filter to the Range rng.Replace "/", ", ", xlPart ' ignores the filtered cells rng.AutoFilter ' optional to remove the filter