

Infragestic也支持excel导出,但问题是,它一次支持单个网格。 我想用不同的纸张将这两个网格导出到一个excel文件中。我search了很多东西,但是找不到任何有用的东西。



<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <!-- Ignite UI Required Combined CSS Files --> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/css/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.treegrid.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/modernizr/modernizr-2.8.3.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- External files for exporting --> <script src="http://www.igniteui.com/js/external/FileSaver.js"></script> <script src="http://www.igniteui.com/js/external/Blob.js"></script> <!-- Ignite UI Required Combined JavaScript Files --> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/js/infragistics.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/js/infragistics.lob.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/js/modules/infragistics.documents.core.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/js/modules/infragistics.excel.js"></script> <script src="http://cdn-na.infragistics.com/igniteui/2016.2/latest/js/modules/infragistics.gridexcelexporter.js"></script> </head> <body> <h3>Flat Data Source</h3> <table id="treegrid1"></table> <br /> <input type="button" id="exportFlatDS" value="Export Flat Data" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <h3>Hierarchical Data Source</h3> <table id="treegrid2"></table> <br /> <input type="button" id="exportHierarchicalDS" value="Export Hierarchical Data" /> <script> $(function () { var flatDS = [ { "employeeID": 0, "PID": -1, "firstName": "Andrew", "lastName": "Fuller", "reportsTo": null }, { "employeeID": 1, "PID": -1, "firstName": "Jonathan", "lastName": "Smith", "reportsTo": null }, { "employeeID": 2, "PID": -1, "firstName": "Nancy", "lastName": "Davolio", "reportsTo": null }, { "employeeID": 3, "PID": -1, "firstName": "Steven", "lastName": "Buchanan", "reportsTo": null }, // sub of ID 1 { "employeeID": 4, "PID": 0, "firstName": "Janet", "lastName": "Leverling", "reportsTo": 0 }, { "employeeID": 5, "PID": 0, "firstName": "Laura", "lastName": "Callahan", "reportsTo": 0 }, { "employeeID": 6, "PID": 0, "firstName": "Margaret", "lastName": "Peacock", "reportsTo": 0 }, { "employeeID": 7, "PID": 0, "firstName": "Michael", "lastName": "Suyama", "reportsTo": 0 }, // sub of ID 4 { "employeeID": 8, "PID": 4, "firstName": "Anne", "lastName": "Dodsworth", "reportsTo": 4 }, { "employeeID": 9, "PID": 4, "firstName": "Danielle", "lastName": "Davis", "reportsTo": 4 }, { "employeeID": 10, "PID": 4, "firstName": "Robert", "lastName": "King", "reportsTo": 4 }, // sub of ID 2 { "employeeID": 11, "PID": 2, "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Lewis", "reportsTo": 2 }, { "employeeID": 12, "PID": 2, "firstName": "Ryder", "lastName": "Zenaida", "reportsTo": 2 }, { "employeeID": 13, "PID": 2, "firstName": "Wang", "lastName": "Mercedes", "reportsTo": 2 }, // sub of ID 3 { "employeeID": 14, "PID": 3, "firstName": "Theodore", "lastName": "Zia", "reportsTo": 3 }, { "employeeID": 15, "PID": 3, "firstName": "Lacota", "lastName": "Mufutau", "reportsTo": 3 }, // sub of ID 16 { "employeeID": 16, "PID": 15, "firstName": "Jin", "lastName": "Elliott", "reportsTo": 16 }, { "employeeID": 17, "PID": 15, "firstName": "Armand", "lastName": "Ross", "reportsTo": 16 }, { "employeeID": 18, "PID": 15, "firstName": "Dane", "lastName": "Rodriquez", "reportsTo": 16 }, // sub of ID 19 { "employeeID": 19, "PID": 18, "firstName": "Declan", "lastName": "Lester", "reportsTo": 19 }, { "employeeID": 20, "PID": 18, "firstName": "Bernard", "lastName": "Jarvis", "reportsTo": 19 }, // sub of ID 20 { "employeeID": 21, "PID": 20, "firstName": "Jeremy", "lastName": "Donaldson", "reportsTo": 2 } ]; var hierarchicalDS = [ { "id": 0, "tasks": "Project Plan", "start": "6/2/2014", "finish": "8/22/2014", "duration": "60d", "progress": "32%", "products": [ { "id": 1, "tasks": "Planning", "start": "6/2/2014", "finish": "6/4/2014", "duration": "3d", "progress": "100%" }, { "id": 2, "tasks": "Write a specification", "start": "6/5/2014", "finish": "6/6/2014", "duration": "2d", "progress": "100%" }, { "id": 3, "tasks": "Create a demo application", "start": "6/9/2014", "finish": "6/11/2014", "duration": "3d", "progress": "100%" }, { "id": 4, "tasks": "Collect a feedback", "start": "6/12/2014", "finish": "6/12/2014", "duration": "1d", "progress": "100%" }, { "id": 5, "tasks": "Design", "start": "6/13/2014", "finish": "6/19/2014", "duration": "5d", "progress": "60%", "products": [ { "id": 8, "tasks": "Conceptual Design", "start": "6/13/2014", "finish": "6/16/2014", "duration": "2d", "progress": "100%" }, { "id": 9, "tasks": "Preliminary Design", "start": "6/17/2014", "finish": "6/18/2014", "duration": "2d", "progress": "65%" }, { "id": 10, "tasks": "Final Design", "start": "6/19/2014", "finish": "6/19/2014", "duration": "1d", "progress": "15%" } ] }, { "id": 6, "tasks": "Development", "start": "6/20/2014", "finish": "8/20/2014", "duration": "44d", "progress": "5%", "products": [ { "id": 11, "tasks": "Implementation", "start": "6/20/2014", "finish": "7/17/2014", "duration": "20d", "progress": "5%" }, { "id": 12, "tasks": "Testing", "start": "7/18/2014", "finish": "7/31/2014", "duration": "10d", "progress": "0%" }, { "id": 13, "tasks": "Bug fixing", "start": "8/1/2014", "finish": "8/14/2014", "duration": "10d", "progress": "0%" }, { "id": 14, "tasks": "Documenting", "start": "8/15/2014", "finish": "8/20/2014", "duration": "4d", "progress": "0%" } ] }, { "id": 7, "tasks": "Project Complete", "start": "8/21/2014", "finish": "8/22/2014", "duration": "2d", "progress": "0%" } ] } ]; $("#treegrid1").igTreeGrid({ width: "100%", dataSource: flatDS, //bound to flat data source, autoGenerateColumns: false, primaryKey: "employeeID", foreignKey: "PID", initialExpandDepth: 1, columns: [ { headerText: "Employee ID", key: "employeeID", width: "200px", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "First Name", key: "firstName", width: "220px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Last Name", key: "lastName", width: "220px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Reports To", key: "reportsTo", width: "130px", dataType: "number" } ] }); $("#treegrid2").igTreeGrid({ width: "100%", dataSource: hierarchicalDS, //Project Plan data, autoGenerateColumns: false, primaryKey: "id", columns: [ { headerText: "ID", key: "id", width: "120px", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "Tasks", key: "tasks", width: "250px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Start", key: "start", width: "130px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Finish", key: "finish", width: "130px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Duration", key: "duration", width: "100px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Progress", key: "progress", width: "130px", dataType: "string" } ], childDataKey: "products", initialExpandDepth: 1, renderExpansionIndicatorColumn: true }); $("#exportFlatDS").on("click", function () { $.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#treegrid1"), { fileName: "treegrid1" }); }); $("#exportHierarchicalDS").on("click", function () { $.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#treegrid2"), { fileName: "treegrid2" }); }); }); </script> </body> </html> 

由于不支持一次导出多个网格,因此您可以处理exportEnding事件,在其中调用函数以导出第二个网格。 将工作簿对象作为parameter passing给将导出第二个网格的函数是非常重要的:

 $("#exportButton").on("click", function () { $.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#grid"), { fileName: "igGrid" }, { exportEnding: function(sender, args) { exportSecondGrid(args.workbook); return false; } } );}); function exportSecondGrid(workbook) { $.ig.GridExcelExporter.exportGrid($("#grid1"), { fileName: "igGrid", worksheetName: "Sheet2" }, { headerCellExporting: function(sender, args) { if (args.columnIndex === 0) { sender._workbook = workbook; sender._workbook.worksheets().add(sender._worksheet.name()); sender._worksheet = sender._workbook.worksheets(1); sender._worksheet.rows(0).setCellValue(0, "some text"); } }, } );} 

在导出第二个网格(这是headerCellExporting事件)的最早时间中,我们用工作簿对象replace为传递给函数的对象。 所以这个工作簿在第一个工作表中有第一个网格,第二个网格将在第二个工作表中写入。