

Sub test() With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .EnableEvents = False End With Dim colNum2 As Integer colNum2 = 1 For x = 1 To 32 If Range("A1").Value = "Order No." Then Next colNum ElseIf Range("B1").Value = "Line No." Then Next colNum ElseIf Range("C1").Value = "Order Qty." Then Next x ElseIf Range("D1").Value = "PO" Then Next x ElseIf Range("E1").Value = "Sched Date" Then Next x ElseIf Range("F1").Value = "Sched MFG Line" Then Next x ElseIf Range("G1").Value = "Item No." Then Next x ElseIf Range("H1").Value = "Item Width" Then Next x ElseIf Range("I1").Value = "Item Height" Then Next x ElseIf Range("J1").Value = "SL Color" Then Next x ElseIf Range("K1").Value = "Frame Option" Then Next x End If 'Checks if the cell matches a specific string required by the sorter 'if TRUE should skip through to the next increment of colNum Columns(colNum2).EntireColumn.Delete 'uses the current number of colNum to delete the current column number colNum2 = colNum2 + 1 Next x 'increments colNum by one 'Iterates next through the loop 



只需使用var = var + 1而不是NextNext结束For循环。 您也不需要重复下一行的variables名称,因为它已经在For行中。 ( For i = 0 To 5 ... Next

 For x = 1 To 32 If Range("A1").Value = "Order No." Then colNum = colNum +1 ElseIf Range("C1").Value = "Order Qty." Then x = x + 1 End If Next 

记住Scott Cranner说的, Next也会做x=x+1 ,所以如果你只想每个周期增加一次,就用Do While循环

 x = 1 Do While x <= 32 If Range("A1").Value = "Order No." Then colNum = colNum +1 ElseIf Range("C1").Value = "Order Qty." Then x = x + 1 End If Loop 

在我看来,你想要删除所有不匹配“sorting器所需的特定string”的列 。 在这种情况下,您可以遍历所有列标题标签,删除不匹配的列标题或使用自定义的从左到右sorting将所有不匹配的列置于右侧,然后删除。

方法1 – 删除不匹配的列

 Sub test1() Dim c As Long, vCOLs As Variant vCOLs = Array("Order No.", "Line No.", "Order Qty.", "PO", _ "Sched Date", "Sched MFG Line", "Item No.", _ "Item Width", "Item Height", "SL Color", "Frame Option") With Application '.ScreenUpdating = False '.EnableEvents = False End With With Worksheets("sheet1") With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion 'delete from right-to-left or risk missing one For c = .Columns.Count To 1 Step -1 If IsError(Application.Match(.Cells(1, c).Value2, vCOLs, 0)) Then .Columns(c).EntireColumn.Delete End If Next c End With End With With Application .ScreenUpdating = True .EnableEvents = True End With End Sub 

方法2 – 自定义sorting,然后偏移和删除

 Sub test2() Dim vCOLs As Variant vCOLs = Array("Order No.", "Line No.", "Order Qty.", "PO", _ "Sched Date", "Sched MFG Line", "Item No.", _ "Item Width", "Item Height", "SL Color", "Frame Option") With Application '.ScreenUpdating = False '.EnableEvents = False .AddCustomList ListArray:=vCOLs End With With Worksheets("sheet1") With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion 'custom sort to bring the important fields to the left .Cells.Sort Key1:=.Rows(1), Order1:=xlAscending, _ Orientation:=xlLeftToRight, Header:=xlNo, _ OrderCustom:=Application.GetCustomListNum(vCOLs) 'offset and delete the unwanted columns With .Offset(0, Application.Match(vCOLs(UBound(vCOLs)), .Rows(1), 0)) .EntireColumn.Delete End With End With End With With Application .DeleteCustomList .GetCustomListNum(vCOLs) .ScreenUpdating = True .EnableEvents = True End With End Sub 


.Cells.Sort.SortFields.Add.Cells.Sort之间有一个扭曲,通常会产生一些混淆。 .SortFields.Add方法使用CustomOrder:=参数,而Range.Sort方法使用OrderCustom:=参数。 这两者绝对不是一回事,而是经常交替使用,造成灾难性后果。


 Option Explicit Sub DeleteColumns() Dim colNum As Integer colNum = 1 Do While Range(alphaCon(colNum) & 1).Value <> "" Select Case Range(alphaCon(colNum) & 1).Value Case "ColumnIDontWant", "AnotherColumnIDontWant" Columns(colNum).EntireColumn.Delete End Select colNum = colNum + 1 Loop End Sub Public Function alphaCon(aNumber As Integer) As String ' Fixed version 27/10/2011 Dim letterArray As String Dim iterations As Integer letterArray = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" If aNumber <= 26 Then alphaCon = (Mid$(letterArray, aNumber, 1)) Else If aNumber Mod 26 = 0 Then iterations = Int(aNumber / 26) alphaCon = (Mid$(letterArray, iterations - 1, 1)) & (Mid$(letterArray, 26, 1)) Else 'we deliberately round down using 'Int' as anything with decimal places is not a full iteration. iterations = Int(aNumber / 26) alphaCon = (Mid$(letterArray, iterations, 1)) & (Mid$(letterArray, (aNumber - (26 * iterations)), 1)) End If End If End Function